I want to put some swivel seats in the wifes 4.2 quintres WB dory and I have looked at as many swivels and brackets as I can find but none of them seem to be able to do the job. What I would like to do is to be able to place the seats in different positions, most times there is only myself and the missus in the boat but as we live on the coast we get a few visitors and they like to come out for a ride and I would need to put the seats in a different location to balance the weight etc. There is very little that is easily removable and with the main criteria being that I don't want to add too much height above the thwarts as it feels rather precarious sitting at a great height with the legs just reaching the floorboards.
I have considered that when there are more than the two of us then I would remove the seats and just use the bench type cushions that I have but finding something that doesn't leave a large protrudence above the thwarts is not to be found. There is a plastic one on the market but it leaves a circular short post protruding, thought of reversing it but that on investigation that wouldn't work.
What has anyone done to overcome this problem.
The boat only has the half floor which I will consider raising to a full floor in the future.