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seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory
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Thread: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

  1. #1

    seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    I want to put some swivel seats in the wifes 4.2 quintres WB dory and I have looked at as many swivels and brackets as I can find but none of them seem to be able to do the job. What I would like to do is to be able to place the seats in different positions, most times there is only myself and the missus in the boat but as we live on the coast we get a few visitors and they like to come out for a ride and I would need to put the seats in a different location to balance the weight etc. There is very little that is easily removable and with the main criteria being that I don't want to add too much height above the thwarts as it feels rather precarious sitting at a great height with the legs just reaching the floorboards.

    I have considered that when there are more than the two of us then I would remove the seats and just use the bench type cushions that I have but finding something that doesn't leave a large protrudence above the thwarts is not to be found. There is a plastic one on the market but it leaves a circular short post protruding, thought of reversing it but that on investigation that wouldn't work.

    What has anyone done to overcome this problem.

    The boat only has the half floor which I will consider raising to a full floor in the future.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Mate, I can't help you much with your seat solution but I have just put a full floor in my 4.2 WB Dory and thought you may be interested in some pic's.

    As it was before doing any work.

    After having the frame welded in.

    Completed Floor.

    My thwarts have just a layer of High density PE foam, they have been very durable and comfortable.


  3. #3

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    I'm not to sure what the dory looks like but if it's a bench seat why not mount the swivel seat to a piece of ply and on the other side of the ply mount 2 C sections bent from flat aluminum so it fits over the bench. Movable seats.

  4. #4

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Mate iam going to change my seats in my seajay. They are on pedistal so can be screwed off.
    Paid $129 each, but will sell at good price.
    Fold down, padded.
    Got two in very good condition

  5. #5

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Seahorse, was avoiding the pedestal type as it raises the hight too much unless I screw it into the floor but that changes the layout considerably of where my esky and other gear is currently fixed. If you are taking the pedestals out what are you doing to your boat.

  6. #6

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by Seahorse View Post
    Mate iam going to change my seats in my seajay. They are on pedistal so can be screwed off.
    Paid $129 each, but will sell at good price.
    Fold down, padded.
    Got two in very good condition
    What seats are you going for as replacements, seahorse?

  7. #7
    Ausfish Bronze Member nidrac's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    In our dory we have made seats out of timber with 4 legs that go down either side of the aluminum bench seat which enable you to slide them side to side, on the top we have two pieces of laminate with a bolt going through the middle and a plastic chair on the top alowing it to swivel. we have 4 of these made up and just take them out when we don't need that many, very cheap and only add 50mm at most to the hight of the chair. hope that makes sense..


  8. #8

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by =Wookie= View Post
    Mate, I can't help you much with your seat solution but I have just put a full floor in my 4.2 WB Dory and thought you may be interested in some pic's.

    As it was before doing any work.

    After having the frame welded in.

    Completed Floor.

    My thwarts have just a layer of High density PE foam, they have been very durable and comfortable.

    that is awesome, thanks for the photos, who did the welding for you and what did it cost if it is not a rude question. Have you considered making a platform on the fron thwart as that is also in my sights.

  9. #9

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by nidrac View Post
    In our dory we have made seats out of timber with 4 legs that go down either side of the aluminum bench seat which enable you to slide them side to side, on the top we have two pieces of laminate with a bolt going through the middle and a plastic chair on the top alowing it to swivel. we have 4 of these made up and just take them out when we don't need that many, very cheap and only add 50mm at most to the hight of the chair. hope that makes sense..


    Makes sense as in a mates boat we used to use the good old plastic garden chairs which would straddle the thwarts nicely but the dory thwarts are wider than most and therefore you cant do this, the other issue is that if you leaned one way too far they had a tendency to flip. Just wondering if putting a swivel on stops this to some degree. Any pics of your set up.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2010

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    that is awesome, thanks for the photos, who did the welding for you and what did it cost if it is not a rude question. Have you considered making a platform on the fron thwart as that is also in my sights.
    I had it done by a bloke here in Maryborough, Granville Aluminium Welding. He was great and did the whole lot including aluminium, cutting, fitting and welding for $190. I just got the 12mm structural ply from bunnings and carpet from BCF as they had 10% off atm, sealed the ply really well after cutting to shape and used Sellys Quik Grip to glue the carpet down.

    I was thinking about a deck up front but that's a future project.
    Last edited by =Wookie=; 30-06-2011 at 08:51 PM. Reason: spelling!

  11. #11

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Thanks Mike, will get a price down here and if it significantly dearer then I will have to talk the missus into taking the tinnie further afield up north and get it done on the way .

  12. #12

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Mike, I just realised but I have an extra set of side ribs to your tinnie, mine is a 2009 model, what is yours.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member nidrac's Avatar
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    May 2007

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post

    Makes sense as in a mates boat we used to use the good old plastic garden chairs which would straddle the thwarts nicely but the dory thwarts are wider than most and therefore you cant do this, the other issue is that if you leaned one way too far they had a tendency to flip. Just wondering if putting a swivel on stops this to some degree. Any pics of your set up.
    yeah we had the same chairs setup in our old 12 tinny and it was just a matter of adding an extra bit of timber to make the legs sit further apart to accomidate the width of the seat. we have added two small tabs (about 100mm) on each side to prevent it tipping but we never really had a problem with it only when doing stupid things like trying to lift a steel crab pot with the chair side on so your leaning over the backrest. i don't have any pics as the boats at the old mans 250km's away but i will give him a ring and see if i can get him to take some.


  14. #14
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    May 2010

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Quote Originally Posted by Dignity View Post
    Mike, I just realised but I have an extra set of side ribs to your tinnie, mine is a 2009 model, what is yours.
    Mines a Dec 08. Interesting about the extra Rib. So does yours have 4 ribs between the thwarts?

  15. #15

    Re: seats for Quinnie 4.2 WB Dory

    Yes mate, yours has one at each thawart and one between, Mine has 2 between, will try and take some photos tomorrow for you. Actually is handy as I have screwed a piece of marine ply between the 2 middle ones and with some holders I have somewhere to put a boat hook (my wife's requirement) a landing net and a gaff. I will lift the floor as well and see how many in the hull section as well.

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