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Thread: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

  1. #16

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    you need your head red ....... Id check how many hours your allocated in that 2 years warranty of an etec, i know a couple of pro's who have had them and they all now run 4 strokes..... both owned etecs now one has a honda and the other has a honda and twin yammies.....Ive never asked this question but i wonder how many etecs are out there with over 1000 or 1500 hours on them that havent had major issues??? i can speak from experence with 4 strokes with that many hours but would be interesting to find out with etecs as im sure in 2 years you will do at least 1500 hours. I guess at the end of the day you just have to be smart when you go fishing.... take another boat with you and make sure it has a 4 stroke so you know you will get home safe .....

  2. #17
    Ausfish Platinum Member bennykenny's Avatar
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by ozscott View Post
    You dont need your head read mate, you just need it red.


    PS. Sorry just being a spelling smart arse
    Quote Originally Posted by spelchek View Post
    Hey - get your own gig.
    Quote Originally Posted by business class View Post
    you need your head red .......
    The saying is "you need your head read" as in the past tense of read.
    not the colour red, but as in the psychologist needs to read your head because you are thinking of buying an Etec. im sure there are a few psychologists out there that have dealt with Etec problems, so he shouldnt have a problem finding one.

    ...of all the liars among mankind, the fisherman is the most trustworthy. ~William Sherwood Fox.

  3. #18

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    1,200 hours would not be enough for me in my situation. I do 1,000 a year as it is so I would be back on 12months commercial warranty the same as every other brand. I was offered a 5year rec warranty on a Honda but their buy price is always more than the others and I wasn't expecting and didn't get any problems with my 4 stroke over 15months of ownership.

    My experience with the 200HO Etec I used for 2 weeks is the same as Team Mongos. I virtually used a 20 litre tub of XD100 in 11 days of trolling and that stuff is like gold. It was on a 6.2 Seafarer and we were using 130 litres a day when the bigger, heavier Haines Hunter Patriots with 4 stroke Honda 225s etc. were using 110 litres a day and they didn't have to put oil through!

  4. #19

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    When I see mates with commercial boats doing a lot of hours it is a mixed bag. Some diesel, some outboards or 2 and 4 stroke some trailered and some moored.

    Guys that do charters have downtime due to weather and use that time to drop the oil and do all the paperwork or drop the boat in for service or have the mechanics down to the yard. Inbetween maintaining rods and all the other gear. Others that are wharf contractors don't have that maintainance downtime as they are out quoting and have barges and workboats moored away from home for so long. Every commercial operator has a different patern of use and some will do 80% hours in summer and so on.

    A lot of them value the hours it takes them to change oil , filters, disposal of old oil etc when they do it themselves. Some of them clearly have no idea of any of teh spinny bits under a cowl and won't notice stuff out of place and are happy if it starts and runs . With such well insulated cowls even a lot of luttle noises noticed by outsiders are missed by commercial guys until it is a loss of power.

    Most 4 stroke users are extending oil change times

    Time is money either way be it yours or someone you are paying to do a job.

    No motor is a set and forget thing and you still have fuel filters, grease points , oil level checks , impellers etc

    Be interested to hear with the 4 strokes at what intervals the oils are being done currently and if operators are doing that themselves along with impellers ? Anyone bother with oil analysis? I know a lot of diesel guys do it all the time and with teh price of a outboard these days ??

    Interstested with etecs if commercial users are still taking them to the shop for check ups, impellers, lower unit oil changes?

    There is a fair difference between what remote and city users do and just what is expected from users under warranty when it comes to the crunch.

    Still have to laugh at some outboard designs where you have to remove extra cowls to change bloody oil or access service point and no water sensors in lower units? Makes you want to put a tap and hose in to make it a faster job or use a suction unit like a diesel.

    Anyone run magnets on their oil filters?

  5. #20
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by outsiderskip View Post
    i had a 150 etec was told i would save heaps on fuel
    it was worse than my yummy plus the cost off oil
    after 800 hrsi lost 2 injectors repaired under warranty
    next trip lost another one so now got a honda
    and saving me heaps id never go back to etec
    they make good anchors


    psn why are dealers who have etec closed
    or got other brands
    Why is it you never mention that your E-tec was way underpowered for your boat... Your rig is a V19 Haines Hunter that is modified/surveyed which made it a heavier boat, is it not?,,, and you expect a 2.6lt 150 to push it along.. Now you have a 3.5lt 200 Honda, and your singing praises about how economical it is.. Mate, what do you expect from a small motor pushing a big heavy boat, and if you believe everthing you're told by a salesman, then your a fool waiting to be had.... Had you compared a 3.3lt 200 E-tec to your new Honda, then yes that would be a fair comparrision.. The 3.3lt 200hp kills the 2.6 for torque and pushing power and it would off been more economical then the 150 E-tec..

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by team_mongo View Post

    Nothing wrong with the motors - they've been great. When you have 3.5+t loaded, 24.5 degree vee, 400hp (which is the max rated hp) - you are going to chew some gas when you're cruising. I cruise at 33-35kts at 4000rpm and use 70lph. Thats about 1L of xd100 per hour. My average day I would cover approx 150km and use 4L of xd100. It doesn't take long for that to add up.

    I get the target rpm WOT, and I wouldn't be surprised if its a bit underpropped.

    There no separating the fact - if you are going to use some gas, you are going to use some oil.

    Fair enough.. Can you not get a corperate discount on the oil, or buy it in a 44 gallon drum to get it cheaper... That is a crazy amount off oil your using....

  7. #22

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jabba_ View Post
    Fair enough.. Can you not get a corperate discount on the oil, or buy it in a 44 gallon drum to get it cheaper... That is a crazy amount off oil your using....
    A pro I know use to get it by the 44 gallon drums when he had his etec on and i think he got a pretty good deal too Jabba. So maybe Bulk may be the go?

  8. #23

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    i just priced a 44 drum of opti oil,it worked out at 8 dollars a litre compared to 10 dollards a liter in ten ltr bottles,not worth the handling hassel imop.

  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Yep I will second the opinion that Oil is a big killer for any direct injection 3 stroke. Especially if your a commercial guy it going to sting.

    I have a 175 Di evinrude(model before e-tec) and for recreational use its a great motor but gee the Oil cost adds up fast. I go fishing for a couple of weeks and there goes a $220, 20l drum of oil.

    If your a heavy user DI 2 strokes regardless of servicing variances are generally alot more expensive.

  10. #25

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    YES, it definitely needs reading!!!!!

  11. #26

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Well I have twin ebomb 90's which I raised myself using a somewhat agricultural technique and will raise again for a test, sitting on a seaspearer vagabond with trim tabs that point out and are not 5/8" higher at the back. I back my wheels well under when launching and retrieving. I drive on most times which means the trailer is in further because of the twin instalation and now the brakes will need constant attention because Im too lazy to winch it on and last time I did the guts fell out of the winch anyway.

    The motors are great and i dont think I will ever get the rest right anyhow.

    Cheers, Stu

  12. #27
    Ausfish Bronze Member Catweb's Avatar
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    2006 90 Etec. Has not missed a beat. Great on fuel, great on oil, quiet, no fumes. Dunno what else to say really.....
    Weather forecasters, they will either starve you or kill you...

  13. #28

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jabba_ View Post
    Why is it you never mention that your E-tec was way underpowered for your boat... Your rig is a V19 Haines Hunter that is modified/surveyed which made it a heavier boat, is it not?,,, and you expect a 2.6lt 150 to push it along.. Now you have a 3.5lt 200 Honda, and your singing praises about how economical it is.. Mate, what do you expect from a small motor pushing a big heavy boat, and if you believe everthing you're told by a salesman, then your a fool waiting to be had.... Had you compared a 3.3lt 200 E-tec to your new Honda, then yes that would be a fair comparrision.. The 3.3lt 200hp kills the 2.6 for torque and pushing power and it would off been more economical then the 150 E-tec..
    Jabba, there is no way I would consider 150hp WAY underpowered on a 19C, even Pete's with a load on, little bit light on for my liking but no way underpowered.



  14. #29

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    I love my ETEC, would not go back to a four stroke. You use oil consumption as a negative, how about the money you save on servicing a fourstroke? Especially if you are a commercial operator. My first 300hr service was LESS than the every 100hr service on my fourstroke.

    If you want real feedback ask around and talk to the guys that are running them, especially the newer models, they got no reason to lie to you. I know a couple of commercial guys running ETEC's now over four strokes. One is a commercial crabber who who does 1500-2000 hours on them and then sells them for good money after that. If they can survive what commercial crabbers do to them then they are worth my money. The other is a water taxi operator who has also swapped and reckons he is saving $6000 plus a year, he does big hours though, 2000 hrs a year I think he said. He says it is noticably better on fuel as well. Who would like to pay for four stroke servicing on those hours...ouch.

    Jabba's comment on the VMR, I have heard the same, they are pretty impressed. You make some very valid comments about capacities versus HP, makes sense. Nice work.

    For what it is worth No Chicken Tonight, talk to commercial operators that are using them who have been set up properly, there are some horror stories out there with setup that reflect badly on the engines, of what ever flavour. Bad setup equals bad engine.

    This seems like a good place to vent, I am glad i got that off my chest!


    The "Madshagger"

  15. #30
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
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    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by Vitamin Sea View Post
    Jabba, there is no way I would consider 150hp WAY underpowered on a 19C, even Pete's with a load on, little bit light on for my liking but no way underpowered.


    Not over weight or underpowered!!!!
    Re-read this thread that you posted in numous times...

    Outsideskip's quote from that thread..
    Quote Originally Posted by outsiderskip View Post
    hi ian
    there is no problems with the motor just no happy with fuel economy im running at 1klm to 1 lt
    have been told my boat is too heavy and on borderline for 150hp
    Post 39 on page 3
    Quote Originally Posted by outsiderskip View Post
    hi jabba
    i guess 2ton boat then 2 fat buggers
    100kg each 230lts fuel and 100kgs of ice
    i carry that most of the time
    So is this a light boat?

    No F____N way is a 150hp off any sort going to be economical on this 19C or anyother 2 ton boat for that matter.

    On a light weight boat like a Yalta or baysport yes it would be different story, 150 E-tec would be an economical motor..

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