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ETEC....Do I need my head read?
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Thread: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

  1. #1

    ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    After being a 4 stroke advacate for so many years, I find myself about to remove my 225 Suzuki 4 strokes to fit a pair of Etecs!
    Before you go calling me all sorts of names, let me tell you why....

    Cheapest by far.
    2 year/1200 hour warranty (commercial)
    Big savings on servicing cost.

    I tried Honda, Suzuki and Yamaha but none could come close to being competative on price or warranty.

    What the hell!
    theyll have 2 years to prove theyre worth their salt!

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Angla's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    What sort of work load do the motors get/ What boat and what size are the new donks?

    Sometimes you just have to do the Math


  3. #3

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    You can let us all know in 2 years time I guess.

    Ask them what thwe go is if you have a warranty issue in reguards to onsite repairs. can get expensive when ya have to have the boat in and out several times.

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  4. #4

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Make sure you get full software , cable and full manuals so you can on a confirm any codes and do basic diagnosis should something go wrong.
    Bulk price on oil and make sure your fuel and battery system is 100%
    After that it is all about the resale value and trade in value.
    Warranty comes down to the dealer and how he represents you so if you don't get on well with the dealer any motor can be hard work and cost you money. Sometimes small dealers are better and other times big dealers are better. It just depends. Agreement with a dealer on service times and parts avaliability is written into larger supply contracts but not sure if they will do it on single orders.
    Keep us updated on how it all goes and how the boat performs.

    Should be some good prices down south with boat shows not far off. I don't know if they are offering a better or longer warranty in the USA or the experiences of commercial blokes over their but the etec forum should give some answers.

    Some dealers of other brands just don't seem to want to put in good prices. Not sure if approaching a dealer outside of your area might not get a beter pricing. Local dealer will still get his pound of flesh servicing.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Hey Chicken

    Where are you located?
    I am interested in the warranty you have received with the Etecs. The normal commercial warranty is twelve months or 750 hours i was led to believe, so is your additional warranty a full factory warranty, or an aftermarket warranty tacked onto the factory warranty,which is normally not worth the paper it is written on.

    Cheers Hino

  6. #6

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?


    NCT's boat is located on the Gold Coast, I think his deal is coming from white water marine

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  7. #7

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    dave at white water marine is a top bloke and a top mechanic,im sure he will look after you

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    BRP are keen to get the commercial guys signed up and flying the Evinrude flag.. VMR Southport have 2 300 E-tec on their 7m Cat, and so far the Skipper (the one I spoke with) was very happy with it.. I spoke to one off the Skippers last week, and he said it was a differant boat to drive and had to get use to trimming the boat differantly and going over the crest off the swell was differant,,, less weight on the stern made the cat react differantly to trim and comming off the waves.. Once they adjusted there driving style he said they liked the motors a lot... Performance was noticably better, faster out off the hole and WOT.. Fuel consumption was equelivalant to their 300 suzuki's, which I was suprised to hear......

    NCT,,,, when you get the motors fitted, get the Rebel props, there the duck's nuts for offshore work and big boats, and make sure your hitting no less then 5600rpm WOT when your rig is running a full load...

  9. #9

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Chicken, what size are you getting?

    I'm sure you've done your sums, but don't forget the cost of oil. I have gone through $500 of oil in 100 hours!


  10. #10

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    You dont need your head read mate, you just need it red.

    You could have your palm read if you like.


    PS. Sorry just being a spelling smart arse
    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

  11. #11

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by ozscott View Post

    PS. Sorry just being a spelling smart arse

    Hey - get your own gig.

  12. #12

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    If a deal sounds too good to be true ...... well it probably is !

    Once they have tacked those donks on the back of your boat ....... their job is done!

    any problems are your issue ....... As a few people I know have found out!

    Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
    Teach him how to fish
    & he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
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    Nov 2007

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    Quote Originally Posted by team_mongo View Post
    Chicken, what size are you getting?

    I'm sure you've done your sums, but don't forget the cost of oil. I have gone through $500 of oil in 100 hours!

    If you have used $500 of oil in only 100hrs, has it not clicked that something is not right with your motor/motors... Without knowing your rig, I would bet that either your underpowered or over propped, or even both...

  14. #14

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?

    i had a150etecwas told i would save heaps on fuel
    it was worse than my yammyplus the cost off oil
    after 800 hrsi lost 2 injectors repaired under warranty
    next trip lost another one so now got a honda
    and saving me heaps id never go back to etec
    they make good anchors


    ps why are dealers who have etec closed
    or got other brands

  15. #15

    Re: ETEC....Do I need my head read?


    Nothing wrong with the motors - they've been great. When you have 3.5+t loaded, 24.5 degree vee, 400hp (which is the max rated hp) - you are going to chew some gas when you're cruising. I cruise at 33-35kts at 4000rpm and use 70lph. Thats about 1L of xd100 per hour. My average day I would cover approx 150km and use 4L of xd100. It doesn't take long for that to add up.

    I get the target rpm WOT, and I wouldn't be surprised if its a bit underpropped.

    There no separating the fact - if you are going to use some gas, you are going to use some oil.


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