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Thread: C-Map or Navionics?

  1. #1

    C-Map or Navionics?

    Would like to read other users opinions on the differences between C-Map & Navionics Cartography.

  2. #2

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    What?? No-one has any comments! Not even any of the over 80 people that have even taken the time to read this thread....hmmm!!

  3. #3

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    i'll be getting Navionics for my tablet... let u know when I do... tablet is on the way here

  4. #4

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    Navionics as C-Map doesn't have the same level of depth contour, and neither does it have green zones.

  5. #5

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    Thanks for the feedback guys!


  6. #6

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    "Navionics as C-Map doesn't have the same level of depth contour, and neither does it have green zones."

    1. Which has green zones and which doesn't?

    2. Which green zones are you referring?

  7. #7

    Re: C-Map or Navionics?

    Navionics Platinum + hands down.

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