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Thread: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

  1. #1

    Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    My question to all techno guru's out there in GPS/Sounder land?
    Are Humminbirds new HD (High Def) GPS/Sounder units really HD? or are we just being lead to believe they are HD (High Def) because the manufacturer says so?

    I found some information on the net relating to HD (High Def) being of pixel resolution between 1280x720 pixels (720p) or 1920x1080 pixels (1080i/1080p). All the information I have found relates only to the above pixel resolution on T.V's...not 640x640 on small 5 inch screens

    This got me thinking because my 42 inch LCD T.V states it is HD (High Def) 1920x1080i=interlaced or p=progressive. Is this pixel resolution at all possible on a 5 inch screen? One would think NOT! 1920x1080??? Hmmm!!!

    The specifications on Humminbirds new HD (High Def) unit's states they are 640Vx640H? All on a 5 inch screen...This has really got me thinking?? Are we? The Consumer! being dooped by these manufacturers? All because a unit has the letters HD stamped on the front of it.

    You be the JUDGE!!

  2. #2

    Re: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    In this instance I think HD refers more to the software than the screen resolution twindragons.

  3. #3

    Re: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    Means squat really, bit like "digital processing"... which is basically a hands free filtering system of noise, which is WHAT you DONT want if you are serious about finding fish!

    Learn to use a fish finder using manual settings which is where a Furuno IMO is far superior to anything else out there, due to the ability to easily tweak settings via something so simple as an ummmmmm a dial?! HD in my eyes means increased pixels and processing of returns in more detail.... again, won't tell you more than a blocky old FCV-600L, just nicer on the eyes.

  4. #4

    Re: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    Well Full HD and HD in televisions is just a simpler term put on most TV's these days to help the "general" consumer know what they are buying and has become a bit of a buzz word. If they put 1280x720 or 1920x1080 on a TV instead most Mum's/Dads/Grandmas/Grandads would not have a clue what all those numbers mean.

    As much as I hate buzz words, I think Humminbird are quite justified in putting it on the units in terms of marketing. Take the 798cxi HD SI, its main competitor would be the Lowrance HDS5 which has a much lower resolution screen.

    Just because something is "Hi Definition" or "HD" it does not mean its suddenly related to a TV. It's screen is of Higher definition or pixel count compared to others.

  5. #5

    Re: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    The only way to like a machine or not is to go and have a really good look yourself and play with the settings and settle for the unti which you feel better about. Bit like fords and holdens bullshit, each has a good product but personal preference can and often does not include those marketting catch phrases.
    Personally I do not want the items on the shelf for the wank factor that sells them, I want them for the things they do that I want to exploit. Buying things for the wank factor quickly chews the money up and you are left with a glorified bit of kit with minimal, if any, over the mid range serviceable gear on the market. i would rather have multiples of good gear than 1 bit of wank factor.

  6. #6

    Re: Humminbird HD! What is HD?..Really!

    There is just zero camparison to HD TV,firstly you can have as many pixels as you want with TV but it is not HD unless the transmission is in HD-so forget TV
    With GPS' and sounders the manufacturer can claim HD if his resolution is superior to his competitors.
    Keep in mind however that you have some control over resolution yourself by controlling the amount of water column you are looking at.
    eg If a sounder is 640 pixels vertical and you are looking at 64m of depth then your resolution is 10 pixels per metre,however now zoom in and look at say the 6.4m of water which is of interest(may be the bottom or maybe midwater),your resolution has suddenly jumped to 100 pixels per metre.
    Now all the undersize fish are as clear as a bell.

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