Keith, the 3 protest meetings we arranged ( SOBA Save Our Bay Association ) drew a small number ( or large, depends on how you look at it ) of committed rec anglers who voiced their opinions and started the ball rolling in having the recreational voice heard in the public arena. We had Government reps attend, politicians, media and the public.
There were more rec anglers attend a simple RIS consultation for a specific area, let alone a state wide issue.
Your statement asks how awesome it would be to have thousands attend.... etc...... yes, of course it would, but it ain't going to happen. Paddles is on the money, recreational anglers are apathetic and that's not being derogatory, it's just fact. If the Government want to see the numbers of rec fishers, just get the attendance figures from the " Tinnie & Tackle Show ", Brisbane Boat show, fishing magazine subscription numbers, fresh and salt water competitions, club members, tackle sales from BCF and other outlets..................
You will not get hundreds, let alone thousands to a meeting... why ?
1. who will call it ?
2. who will run it ?
3. who will insure it ?
4. who pays for the event ?
5. why attend..... if there is nothing tangible in it for them ?
6. the ego and personality clashes would make the 6 o’clock news and the real story would be lost.
This is my opinion….. a rec fisho will vote to get a $900 baby bonus ( which they end up paying for anyway ) rather than vote to fish in a certain area for a certain fish. A rec fishers leisure time does not come into their voting thinking, because there is nothing “ Tangible “ in it for them. No malice towards anyone here, just a generalization.
I have made my thoughts known on a Rec Fishing Licence and I am not in favour at this point in time. We could argue this for ever and a day, but until someone puts a validated and essential reason to have a licence, I will continue to oppose it. Having said that, Paddles, in his last line of his post makes some sense and worth a second thought.
Sunfish may wish to respond to the “ numbers “ they represent.
Keith, to have a single representative group or committee represent recreational anglers in Queensland would require an effort of monumental proportions. How many other committees represent nearly 800,000 people ? Shoot, if we had that many members, we’d run to govern the country ………….
Back to the licence issue. Having 800,000 people pay ( an average of yearly, monthly and weekly permits / licences ) $10 / yr. Funding is 8million. 10% for managing the funds, 10% for the collection points and 10% for educational / promotional expenditure. maybe subject to gst as well.
7.76 million to run the show sounds great and could work. Trouble being, you’ll need that representative group, who is on it, are they paid executive ? The usual SEQ Vs CQ Vs NQ issues arise., And with those dollars floating around, what government would not try to muscle in and siphon some off ? Further, would a government, then expect that group to fund research, monitoring and all other associated costs to do with Recreational Fishing management ? What would happen to the PPV ( or now called the RUF ) that is deducted from boat registration fees. ? Where would that leave Sunfish ?
IN the grand scheme of things, a representative group from all areas of Queensland both fresh and salt water is ideal. The Recreational Fishery is big enough to warrant this. How hard would it be for a Government to establish this as it stands now, and then bring in the licence once this group is established ? NOT hard at all, and in fact very simple, but that might take the control of the fishery away from the departments that oversee it and into the hands of the people that utilize and care for it……. Can’t have that happen… can we ??