Originally Posted by
murf is right guys.
Even before you think about going for a fish, politics is in your face.
This has not become a political site, it will and always will remain a fishing site.
Every member of Ausfish is entitled to their opinion and as long as the rules are adhered to, all is good.
With current issues in Queensland regarding recreational fishing at the fore front of conversation, I applaud any member of a political party to put their view point across, in the same breath, I wish others from opposing parties would also join in the debate and threads.
No matter what party any politician is a member of, they will cop a floggin on a site like this, where fishing is an emotional issue to most, rather than a political one. It takes a pollie with big kahunas and a think skin to open themselves up to the mirco-scrutiny of members of an internet forum.
Having said that, has any one here who asked about LNP policies for rec fishing asked their local member or asked the opposition leader or better still, asked the current Minister about the ALP policies, or how about the Greens stance on recreational fishing, better still, how about asking Family First or The Australia Party, maybe even get some info from The Sex Party. Seriously people, get off the keyboard, pick up the phone and make an appointment with YOUR state member, sit in their office, look them in the eye and ask the hard questions.
If they say they don't have a policy, then present them with YOUR policy that YOU would like implemented. Present them with the costings, roll out of regulations, the scientific reports, the committee recommendations, the facts that YOU have based YOUR submission on. Give them something to look at.
If you do not want to go down that track, then that's fine, simply stay away from the reality this is, everything we do, including fishing, is governed by politics.
For those that are still interested, there are still many of us working behind the scenes ( where angels fear to tread ) that are putting in blood sweat and tears for you, your kids and your grandkids , whether you want us to or not. Why ?... good question........... maybe because we believe we can make a difference, maybe we believe that we ( as stakeholders ) will end up having a say in how our fishery is managed, maybe we do this because a vast number of keyboard cowboys do not have the kahunas to lift a finger and actually physically do something, away from the plastic magnet.
The views expressed above are not necessarily that of Ausfish, but only my opinion.
ECOFishers Qld.