One thing I have noticed since the announcement is the lack of noise from the green/conservation groups on the change. They were adamant the bans were necessary etc way back when this was in full flight but now nothing. To me that indicates this could be a 'temporary' measure to appease the voters a little. Yes, OK its a sceptical thought pattern, but normally we would here more than the ZERO we have got so far. Have I missed some press on that or have others witnessed it too?
An interesting thought, Chris. Does it underline the idea that has been suggested, regarding that the ALP is complicit with the Greens in formulating policy with the objective being to sucker Voters into another round, rather than actually doing anything for the Environment?
Of course it bloody does. Those who think the ALP doesn't pander to the Greens should ask themselves WHY the Greens AREN'T UP IN ARMS over the dropping of the bans. WHY??? I'd be interested to see other possible (plausible) explanations...
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Yep, I've noticed the silence too Chris.
Makes you wonder doesn't it.
Mark. Thanks for the comments and I truly hope your mob will be able to build some confidence in my mind in regards to what politicians say.
At the moment I am in a mind set that what-ever a politician says is nothing but a lie that might give them another term in power, or a term in power.
I have absolutely no faith in what any politician says.
To me what they're saying at the moment is what's going to make them poll better and maybe get another term, or a term, in power.
Please prove me wrong. I'll be most happy if I'm wrong.
I intend on living far so good
Thanks for the reply Barry, now that I have cooled down from my lost post I will try again.
120T for commercial operators should not be that big of a impediment to the growth of the Biomass. If the above measures were taken into account and considering that say 20t over current catch rates was the pay off over 10 years for having to comply with the 40-80cm slot also that one would hope that the slot would mean better catch rates down the track then I think that is fair. I would only advocate that should we see a significant return of Snapper after 10 years, that it is only the Rec Anglers that are allowed 1 trophy fish over 80cm.
Back to my point about export of Snapper though: Australia does export Snapper WA does and I am sure either SA or Vic do too. If our SEQ Snapper are being exported O/S also or even being sent south to southern markets then in effect we are contributing to the export of Snapper over seas as our Snapper may be getting consumed while southern or western Snapper are exported = We are exporting Snapper also. I am not sure if we send them over seas or even south but I would love an answer either way because if we are and Snapper require further protection then Australians and more so Queenslanders should be getting the first bite at the Snapper. In line with that, have you seen the price of retail Australian Snapper lately? While I would never buy a Snapper from a shop because I can catch my own, the prices are outrageous! If stopping the export of Snapper (and hence the demand from O/S) maybe the average Aussie could afford a feed of fresh fish. After all eating fish is very healthy and commercial tickets given to operators should be seen as firstly to provide Australians access to THEIR own resource if they are not inclined to go fishing IMO.
Mark, if I have missed it I am sorry but could you please give us your thoughts on the export of Snapper if such a scenario exists?
Also you made a very pertinent comment about "getting out to fish when work allows". As the future fisheries minister, I hope you deeply take this into the back of your mind when ANY restrictions on the Recreational sector are put forward in the future. Work and weather are the largest restrictor to recreational anglers over time and when you add in Size and Bag limits this is a very effective Fisheries management tool.
I would also like to politely but strongly urge you to largely disregard data in the future with regard to CPUE of Recreational Anglers. As we all know the 10% 90% rule applies with Recs and catch rates over time will be valuable information but with recreational effort being sporadic and shall I say 'amateur' in nature. Giving an indicator with any respect to effort in the recreational sector is doomed to inaccuracy and Hyper-Depletion.
Just my thoughts.
Democracy: Simply a system that allows the 51% to steal from the other 49%.
My comments about marine and fisheries scientists were not specifically directed at anyone at FQ nor anyone associated with the snapper debate. I have learned a lot from good objective marine and fisheries scientists, and the more hard data and advice we can get from them the better. Most of us want the facts and want decisions to be based on facts, not politics. My comments were directed towards the few situations I have come across where the experience of rec and pro- fishers was dissmissed and not taken seriously, and largely because the scientists were biased by their politics. While I am not a skeptic, I have learned as a PhD researcher (in Asia Studies) to apply a little healthy skepticism, particularly where politics is involved. As part of a CanDo LNP govt (should we win the election), I will make sure the science is done without the political interference ... that is my personal standard and commitment, and I am sure there are plenty of AUSFISHERS who will remind me. Mark
Hey Mark. What happens if CanDo Newman doesn't win the seat he's contesting?
I intend on living far so good
I won't take it on in a bet, but I will say, that if Mssssss Kate Jones retains her seat, I'll give up the girlie drinks and also use SP's.
Further, if I find one person that voted for her and cannot give a reasonable excuse as to why, then.....mmmm that's illegal, damn..... let's just say I have faith in Campbell, having met the man and talked with him.
Good point too Chris.... Where is Simon and Imogen now ? huh huh huh ??????
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Work and weather are the largest restrictor to recreational anglers over time and when you add in Size and Bag limits this is a very effective Fisheries management tool.
Couldnt agree more!
I intend on living far so good
who is " they " ?
Name and shame them...
Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.
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Last edited by Captain Incredible; 08-07-2011 at 09:16 AM. Reason: Wasting my time on this process. I am going fishing instead.
Why are we allowing this guy to campaign on our website - this is just rubbish! Totally inappropriate in my view.
LOL @ OB1. Given you're a fan of CO2 tax, and think the World is going to roast, it seems that's quite a partisan remark.
I'd bet London to a Brick that if it was a Laborite or Green politician who'd tried to engage us, you'd be happy as Larry.
ROFLMAO (For Finga's sake, that means "Rolling On Floor Laughing My Arse Off.")
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.