What a load of crap!!! As I have previously stated at the RIS meeting (That was me on chanel 7 and 9 news) there are more snapper out there than there have ever been in the last 10 years. Have a look at Indy's post 2 weeks ago. He would be dambed pressed to get an under 70cm fish. All this will do is put more presure on the inshore reefs. I will no longer go out to my usual grounds 60klm out and get my 5, 4kg fish as I can't justify the fuel. All I will do now is hit the inshore reefs and ore often. Friday afternoons will be a common theme and getting my 4 fish then back up to do it again the following week and so on. I will use less fuel and catch more fish albeit the quality won't be there. All I can say is see ya Julia!!!!!