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Thread: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

  1. #286
    Ausfish Silver Member Prowl n Wolf's Avatar
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    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by OB1 View Post
    Why are we allowing this guy to campaign on our website - this is just rubbish! Totally inappropriate in my view.
    i'm hear'n ya ob1. earlier (page 1 of this thread) i asked mark for his policies etc. the only reason i did was because i have got sick and tired of mark and his supporters bagging the opposition without a clear alternative. i'm not a "labour hack" in fact i dont vote, (pay the fine) i really do despise a fishing site becoming a political site. kindest regards, tony.

  2. #287

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by tsunami crusher View Post
    i'm hear'n ya ob1. earlier (page 1 of this thread) i asked mark for his policies etc. the only reason i did was because i have got sick and tired of mark and his supporters bagging the opposition without a clear alternative. i'm not a "labour hack" in fact i dont vote, (pay the fine) i really do despise a fishing site becoming a political site. kindest regards, tony.
    very very sadly our right to fish is 100% political and 0% about fish stocks

    cheers Murf

  3. #288

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    I liked your post Capt Incredible.
    I thought it was a ball tearer to tell you the truth and I'm now sorry I did not quote it so it'll always be around.
    I'd vote for you if you ran for state politics or even head of fishing politics

    Thanks Timi
    I intend on living far so good

  4. #289

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    murf is right guys.

    Even before you think about going for a fish, politics is in your face.

    This has not become a political site, it will and always will remain a fishing site.

    Every member of Ausfish is entitled to their opinion and as long as the rules are adhered to, all is good.

    With current issues in Queensland regarding recreational fishing at the fore front of conversation, I applaud any member of a political party to put their view point across, in the same breath, I wish others from opposing parties would also join in the debate and threads.

    No matter what party any politician is a member of, they will cop a floggin on a site like this, where fishing is an emotional issue to most, rather than a political one. It takes a pollie with big kahunas and a think skin to open themselves up to the mirco-scrutiny of members of an internet forum.

    Having said that, has any one here who asked about LNP policies for rec fishing asked their local member or asked the opposition leader or better still, asked the current Minister about the ALP policies, or how about the Greens stance on recreational fishing, better still, how about asking Family First or The Australia Party, maybe even get some info from The Sex Party. Seriously people, get off the keyboard, pick up the phone and make an appointment with YOUR state member, sit in their office, look them in the eye and ask the hard questions.

    If they say they don't have a policy, then present them with YOUR policy that YOU would like implemented. Present them with the costings, roll out of regulations, the scientific reports, the committee recommendations, the facts that YOU have based YOUR submission on. Give them something to look at.

    If you do not want to go down that track, then that's fine, simply stay away from the reality this is, everything we do, including fishing, is governed by politics.

    For those that are still interested, there are still many of us working behind the scenes ( where angels fear to tread ) that are putting in blood sweat and tears for you, your kids and your grandkids , whether you want us to or not. Why ?... good question........... maybe because we believe we can make a difference, maybe we believe that we ( as stakeholders ) will end up having a say in how our fishery is managed, maybe we do this because a vast number of keyboard cowboys do not have the kahunas to lift a finger and actually physically do something, away from the plastic magnet.

    The views expressed above are not necessarily that of Ausfish, but only my opinion.

    ECOFishers Qld.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  5. #290

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    The views expressed above are not necessarily that of Ausfish, but only my opinion.
    Geez Phil, have you thought about being a politician?

  6. #291

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Yes, but woke from that nightmare just in time.

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  7. #292
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    murf is right guys.

    Even before you think about going for a fish, politics is in your face.

    This has not become a political site, it will and always will remain a fishing site.

    Every member of Ausfish is entitled to their opinion and as long as the rules are adhered to, all is good.

    With current issues in Queensland regarding recreational fishing at the fore front of conversation, I applaud any member of a political party to put their view point across, in the same breath, I wish others from opposing parties would also join in the debate and threads.

    No matter what party any politician is a member of, they will cop a floggin on a site like this, where fishing is an emotional issue to most, rather than a political one. It takes a pollie with big kahunas and a think skin to open themselves up to the mirco-scrutiny of members of an internet forum.

    Having said that, has any one here who asked about LNP policies for rec fishing asked their local member or asked the opposition leader or better still, asked the current Minister about the ALP policies, or how about the Greens stance on recreational fishing, better still, how about asking Family First or The Australia Party, maybe even get some info from The Sex Party. Seriously people, get off the keyboard, pick up the phone and make an appointment with YOUR state member, sit in their office, look them in the eye and ask the hard questions.

    If they say they don't have a policy, then present them with YOUR policy that YOU would like implemented. Present them with the costings, roll out of regulations, the scientific reports, the committee recommendations, the facts that YOU have based YOUR submission on. Give them something to look at.

    If you do not want to go down that track, then that's fine, simply stay away from the reality this is, everything we do, including fishing, is governed by politics.

    For those that are still interested, there are still many of us working behind the scenes ( where angels fear to tread ) that are putting in blood sweat and tears for you, your kids and your grandkids , whether you want us to or not. Why ?... good question........... maybe because we believe we can make a difference, maybe we believe that we ( as stakeholders ) will end up having a say in how our fishery is managed, maybe we do this because a vast number of keyboard cowboys do not have the kahunas to lift a finger and actually physically do something, away from the plastic magnet.

    The views expressed above are not necessarily that of Ausfish, but only my opinion.

    ECOFishers Qld.

    I have tried asking my local Member (ALP). but he does not return my emails or phone calls any more..I guess he did not like me labelling him as incompetent and a disgrace to be representing the area..he needs to toughen up a bit. I called the LNP candidate..someone else answered the phone and said he was away..I said I would call back inthe future..bugger me that person said they would probably answer the call. Why would a candidate list a mobile number to contact him and have someone else answer the phone..Is that someone else running for the seat or who is? Iwant to speak to the candidate not someone else.

    I hope someone from the sex party runs here..they could offer free sex for all..will get my vote.

    On a serious note: fishing is my lesiure activity..i want to hear from all parties what they will do re:
    Law and order
    etc etc etc

  8. #293

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by PinHead View Post
    I have tried asking my local Member (ALP). but he does not return my emails or phone calls any more..I guess he did not like me labelling him as incompetent and a disgrace to be representing the area..he needs to toughen up a bit. I called the LNP candidate..someone else answered the phone and said he was away..I said I would call back inthe future..bugger me that person said they would probably answer the call. Why would a candidate list a mobile number to contact him and have someone else answer the phone..Is that someone else running for the seat or who is? Iwant to speak to the candidate not someone else.

    I hope someone from the sex party runs here..they could offer free sex for all..will get my vote.

    On a serious note: fishing is my lesiure activity..i want to hear from all parties what they will do re:
    Law and order
    etc etc etc
    Gidday Pinhead, Fishing is my income. That's why I take it so seriously.

    This is not to denigrate the opinions of others who do it for fun- but mine, and others like me, is a point of view which needs some credence from others.

    I was elected by other charter fishos to represent our collective point of view, report back on the outcomes of meetings, decide on an appropriate group response, and then deliver it on behalf of my cohort to the Fisheries committee, report back, etc.

    Sounds like Utopia? We managed to create this process as charter operators. The pros have a very similar process with their line reps, etc.

  9. #294

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Captain Incredible View Post

    Sounds like Utopia? We managed to create this process as charter operators. The pros have a very similar process with their line reps, etc. So why don't you blokes get a fair say on committees? Apart from Dayoo, how was the rec voice heard in this process?
    Simple Keith, we do not fish for money.

    Any rec rep is a volunteer and moreso, costs them money to be a rep.

    There is also no truly , all encompassing group or organisation that has enough members to call itself, a representative of the recreational anglers of Queensland.

    The Charter industry has how many members ?

    The Commercial industry has how many members ?

    The recreational anglers of Queensland number is ?

    By far the biggest group , both number and economic value ( stakeholder ) of the three sectors is the recreational anglers, yet we are un-represented.

    It is easy to quantify the Charter and Commercial numbers, to get a handle on the number of recreational anglers is a guess.

    The recreational anglers voice was heard in the Snapper RIS by individuals participating in the RIS and consultation meetings, by a representative group, such as Sunfish and ECOfishers and by the 3 rec sectors reps on the SNWG and I may add, that most of the government employees on that group are also rec fishers. The rec voice is also heard by way of media from places such as Bush'n'Beach Fishing Magazine, Fishing Monthly and of course " Talking Fishing " with Dave Downie on 1116 4BC am radio. The biggest voice is echoed right here on Ausfish, where all threads and posts are monitored by various government departments and the messages, opinions and suggestions, definitely make their way to working group meetings at all levels of those departments.

    Keith, are you suggesting I call a meeting of 750,000 plus rec anglers and get a committee elected to represent those fishers ?

    Kingfisher Painting Solutions:- Domestic and Commercial.

    For further information, contact details, quotes or advice - Click Here

  10. #295

    Lightbulb Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Hi Phill , last time i looked , the avg. RecFisho catch of all fish in KGS/YR was ~16
    what component would "Snapper" be , I ponder


  11. #296

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Phil, At some stage I reckon there will need to be a "back to basics" for all of us such as Tom Burns did with the Burns Inquiry all those years ago.

    Fisheries called port meetings- why not stakeholders calling their own port meetings held & run by stakeholders for stakeholders?

    And that stakeholders nominate their reps for committees to Fisheries, not the other way round.

    And releasing a stakeholder update by email or post on a formal stakeholder web site or through information sheets placed at tackle shops?

    I know that the original charter reps on the SNWG were NOT nominated by Industry. Over three years we have made some headway as to how we are represented. We are a very small sector numerically. But we acknowledge we still have a way to go to ensure that ours is a more fully inclusive & more widely representative process.

    Maybe the logisitics seem too hard, but the concept of "bottom up" representation is certainly one that IMO can be aspired to..................and how awesome would a public meeting of thousands of anglers be??????????(LOL)

  12. #297
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    the simple solution phil is .................... and dare i say it, because not many will like it .......................... but we need a license!

    it will generate income to pay for a representative group for recreational anglers and will also finally define just how large a group of people we are.

    licensing or forced membership of an organisation creates ownership of the resource. commercial operators are licensed, charter operators are licensed, and they both have solid representative groups keen to look out for their share of the resource because paying for it has created ownership. recreational anglers however, are generally apathetic because they don't have to pay to access or manage the resource and so in the government's eyes don't get to have a say.

    to me it's simple .......... we need to introduce a recreational angling license in queensland to raise funds for a recreational angler's representative authority.

  13. #298

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky_Phill View Post
    There is also no truly , all encompassing group or organisation that has enough members to call itself, a representative of the recreational anglers of Queensland.

    By far the biggest group , both number and economic value ( stakeholder ) of the three sectors is the recreational anglers, yet we are un-represented.

    The recreational anglers voice was heard in the Snapper RIS by individuals participating in the RIS and consultation meetings, by a representative group, such as Sunfish and ECOfishers and by the 3 rec sectors reps on the SNWG and I may add, that most of the government employees on that group are also rec fishers. The rec voice is also heard by way of media from places such as Bush'n'Beach Fishing Magazine, Fishing Monthly and of course " Talking Fishing " with Dave Downie on 1116 4BC am radio. The biggest voice is echoed right here on Ausfish, where all threads and posts are monitored by various government departments and the messages, opinions and suggestions, definitely make their way to working group meetings at all levels of those departments.

    Keith, are you suggesting I call a meeting of 750,000 plus rec anglers and get a committee elected to represent those fishers ?
    Quote Originally Posted by PADDLES View Post
    the simple solution phil is .................... and dare i say it, because not many will like it .......................... but we need a license!

    it will generate income to pay for a representative group for recreational anglers and will also finally define just how large a group of people we are.

    licensing or forced membership of an organisation creates ownership of the resource. commercial operators are licensed, charter operators are licensed, and they both have solid representative groups keen to look out for their share of the resource because paying for it has created ownership. recreational anglers however, are generally apathetic because they don't have to pay to access or manage the resource and so in the government's eyes don't get to have a say.

    to me it's simple .......... we need to introduce a recreational angling license in queensland to raise funds for a recreational angler's representative authority.
    Well call me stupid but isn't Sunfish supposed to represent recreational anglers and are paid by all registered boat owners to represent us? Sunfish even tell us this on their website.
    What am I missing here??

    Oh, hang on. I'll have a gander at Sunfish's website...
    So google Sunfish and this pops up..Represents recreational anglers on issues such as the Recreational Fishing Lobby. Hang on. represents recreational anglers on issues such as blah, blah, blah.
    MMmmmm this dope thinks. Better have a gander at the site and I reads this: Sunfish is an apolitical organisation whose primary role is to support recreational fishing and encourage its development in Queensland.

    Oh, to hell with it. It sickens me every time I look at Sunfish's site. Full of promises and hot air and nothing else.

    We are already paying for Sunfish to represent us. Why should we pay another fee for someone else to represent us?
    They have not represented us to the point where people forget about them (from the call for a group to represent recreational anglers mentioned above from different people) and the Minister even quotes Sunfish as been 'consulted with' but Sunfish having no knowledge of this consultation but don't say anything about it because the 'proposal' was close enough.
    Personally I would take offence at someone saying I've been consulted but have never been consulted. Sunfish (through representing ME) should also have felt offended.
    I pay for Sunfish therefore I'm a member.

    Sunfish IS there to represent us recreational anglers in QLD.
    Read what they're supposed to be doing for us through their "About Us" page.
    Here's the first couple of lines.
    SUNFISH QLD was formed in 1993 out of the Queensland Sport and Recreational Fishing Council (QSRFC) which had been operational for some 20 years.
    Representing all recreational anglers as well as members, SUNFISH QLD is the state's peak recreational fishing group and consults all the major Statewide fishing organizations

    I'd love to know how our fees, that we pay through boat registrations, are spent.
    How do we see financial reports from Sunfish??

    I intend on living far so good

  14. #299

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    Quote Originally Posted by finga View Post
    I'd love to know how our fees, that we pay through boat registrations, are spent.
    How do we see financial reports from Sunfish??

    Have a better look at their website Finga, I found your answers there in 30 seconds.
    And maybe, just maybe 50 to 55 cents a year from the PPV component of your boat rego (for those of us with regesterd boats) would end up being used by Sunfish for surveys and reports like "discovering the true value of the rec fishing $ to local communities".

  15. #300
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Snapper Ban and Associated issues. merged threads

    mate, i honestly can't see where it says on my boat rego renewal that i'm contributing to sunfish. as far as i'm aware, boat rego only makes us contribute towards the maintenance/provision of marine infrastructure and has nothing to do with fisheries management.

    good call on funding for sunfish though, i would imagine that like most not for profit advisory groups, sunfish wouldn't receive enough government funding to properly go about it's tasks and that it's members would probably perform a lot of their duties for free on their own time, let alone for it to be funded well enough to actually be able to pay for the research and data collection that it really requires in order to make better decisions where recreational anglers are concerned.

    honestly, the only way i can see an advisory body such as sunfish recieve enough income to represent recreational anglers properly, is for a sunfish membership/subscription to be compulsory for all recreational anglers. alternatively a fishing license be introduced with all income (after administration costs) being churned back into recreational fishing initiatives such as buying back commercial licences, creating artificial reefs, performing transparent research etc.

    something similar to the current firearm licensing would work quite well, where you have to have a license and also be a member of the SSAA if you wish to own a firearm. the license fee should be a whole heap cheaper without security type checks being required for a recreational angler, but the compulsory membership of an advisory group such as sunfish i reckon has merit.

    i can also see where it's a bitter pill for us all to swallow, considering that recreational angling has been free for us all for so long, but the times are a changing, and if we aren't all forced to group together and contribute financially to the management of our passtime then we are going to be at the mercy of those that are grouped together and are well financed.

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