The fish are iced after being sorted. If you have ever been to a wet market in Asia or the Pacific Islands, you will know that ice is not required immediately
The fish are iced after being sorted. If you have ever been to a wet market in Asia or the Pacific Islands, you will know that ice is not required immediately
"Elempi" American Bertram 33, 3208T Caterpillar power
I always ice(brine and frozen milk bottles) my eating fish also, to get the best from them. But saltwater fish, if kept away from fresh water, (including fresh water ice) do not spoil anywhere near as quickly as we might think.
I'm not saying it is good practice, just not essential.
"Elempi" American Bertram 33, 3208T Caterpillar power
As has already been stated the netting of Sea Mullet is the most sustainable fishery.Reasons why not all mullet roe up and run the beach a proportion stay behind,The bigger patches ie 1000 tray and bigger usually go to sea which means they can't be caught,A lot of mullet go on the south east wind changes as well...very hard to catch because they string out.And Suttons Beach has a weekend closure. The reason Sea Mullet are not iced strait away is so the fish goes into rigormortis this hardens the rib area and protects the roe this is why you see bags of mullet up above the waters edge.Hope this helps anyone who is interested.These people are friends of mine and some of the are 4th generation fisherman.Instead of hiding behind your keyboards bagging them why don't you go and say hello who knows you might even learn something.
While Henry is walking a patch of fish down to the shot see if you can see them,theres no waves
on suttons to look through, and you will see one of the best mullet spotters ever.
Surely its far better to talk to them face to face...there always happy to have a chat..
Rob Cree
And so the continuous attempt tp vilify pro netters, the Netcliffe Saga continues.
Netters who are might I remind slider, operating totally within the law. Icing laws are not being followed now??
Did you check the tread on their tyres, see if their rego was paid up, have they had a haircut lately??
This kind of stuff will not help in any attempt to shut down netting anywhere, as it will look so weighted to REC fishing only, that legislators wont bat an eyelid, they wont be motivated
As to whether fish clear out after netting, how the heck would anyone know? Because no rec fisher is catching any...OH I see. maybe they have gone off the bite, like fish do at time due to a number of possible causes.
How can you possible say they have gone? we caught some good tailor on Sunday and yesterday at Redcliffe. A mate of mine who lives right on the shore told me he watched a couple in a boat less than half a Km from Suttons bag out on Tailor last Friday.
How anyone can devise a sliding scale of fish abandonment based on netted tonnage beggars belief.
If Rec fishers want to get netting banned, its going to take a little more than that Im afraid.
North shore is not Redcliffe.
As has already been stated the netting of Sea Mullet is the most sustainable fishery.Reasons why not all mullet roe up and run the beach a proportion stay behind,The bigger patches ie 1000 tray and bigger usually go to sea which means they can't be caught,A lot of mullet go on the south east wind changes as well...very hard to catch because they string out.And Suttons Beach has a weekend closure. The reason Sea Mullet are not iced strait away is so the fish goes into rigormortis this hardens the rib area and protects the roe this is why you see bags of mullet up above the waters edge.Hope this helps anyone who is interested.These people are friends of mine and some of the are 4th generation fisherman.Instead of hiding behind your keyboards bagging them why don't you go and say hello who knows you might even learn something.
While Henry is walking a patch of fish down to the shot see if you can see them,theres no waves
on suttons to look through, and you will see one of the best mullet spotters ever.
Surely its far better to talk to them face to face...there always happy to have a chat..
Rob Cree
Bloody hell're mates got good eyes!! I reckon I'd be flat out identifying any species 500m from shore...still, at least they were fish ;-)
Hi Firefly, Hes got one of those big mounted scopes, as well as binoculars. From his top floor verandah, you can see a lot of detail on boats along way out with that thing!
The marine Parks also take pics from the shore of the Green Zone with a huge camera and use that to pin people fishing there. They get the yellow bouy in the shot behind the boat.
I was fishing out there one day and caught a good fish and a minute later my mobile rings and its him saying, Nice Snapper mate!
I call him Scmidt da Spy lol!
The point of mentioning the lack of ice Flatzie is to reinforce the point that beach hauling is thought to be providing fresh fish to the local non-fishing public when the fish aren't going there at all. The mullet from Suttons being frozen for commercial crab bait demonstrates that point rather well. Educating the public that they aren't being told the truth about the industry is essential so that change can occur.
The netters may well be operating within the law, but that doesn't mean that the laws surrounding this practice are appropriate in this day and age when global fish stocks are in decline and that includes ours. And no, I don't bother with any of the other stuff like tyres and rego's that you mention as I don't see that there is anything to be gained from that.
I must admit Flatzie that many years ago - probably 20yrs - that I was of the mind that perhaps I/we were just striking a days/weeks/months fishing when the fish just weren't there - as naturally happens due to moon phases, lack of bait, poor seasons or whatever. But this experience being repeated over and over and with the experience consistently (all the bloody time)occurring when netting was occurring, started to make me think that there might be a link. Now, being on Teewah Beach pretty well every day of my life and having grown up very successfully fishing the area, I have had an awful lot of opportunities to assess this and over a period of decades. Massive amounts of research into fish behaviour and communication with other anglers has very much reinforced my own observations. You might think it's fanciful, but you might just need to do your own research and spend a couple of decades watching these things yourself so that you also can draw educated conclusions. And I am certainly not on my own in believing that this scenario is occurring. In fact, it was an article on the 7.30 Report in the mid 90's on area abandonment of Atlantic or Pacific salmon where the vocalisations of the netted fish were recorded by hydrophone, the fish outside of the net tracked and conclusions were exactly what I am saying is occurring. I am really just the messenger here as the theories aren't actually my own as a result of that article - although I have refined the information provided there and drawn further conclusions as a result of my own observations and research. A certain marine scientist from Paris by the name of Patrice Brehmer who specifically is studying this scenario and whom I sent an email to a couple of years ago outlining the hypothesis, stated that my conclusions virtually mirrored his own precisely. However, at this point in time, the theory is unproven and it is mine and Patrice's intention that this shouldn't be the case for much longer. It is not an easy one to prove as you would cynically expect. However, I am certain that there are many members of this site that will have noticed how poor the fishing is in their neck of the woods while netting is occurring and I hope that my very brief axplanations of why this is the case has solved the puzzle for them. I know it has for a great number of people that have said as much to me.
You are correct, and I am well aware of it, that this theory of fish spooking around nets, on its own will not cause for netting to be banned. But there are plenty of other good reasons why netting practices need altering and which I will be focusing on in the proposal that I put together.
The sliding scale you mention is a bit of a generalisation on my part and is as a result of time limitations and the need for brevity on a site such as this where people don't want to have to read a thesis to get the bones of the story. The variables, as mentioned are numerous and to go into each for any given circumstance would require a couple of pages on this site at least. But that aspect of the theory stems from observations and knowledge of spooking by fish as a result of a single angler with rod and reel, lots of anglers with rod and reel all in one location, cast nets, observed small commercial hauls and resulting small scale area abandonment and then observed large hauls and resulting area abandonment. Of course it helps if you can effectively spot fish in a surf environment (as do the pros) which I can also. My proposal will go into the required detail with all relevant secondary evidence quoted and I would encourage you to read it when released.
I reiterate that I have no intention of changing netting practices at Redcliffe and if all you Redcliffe people - and those around the Pine and Hayes Inlet where the mullet come from - are happy for it to continue then that's great. I am very dubious about there being any real differences in spook factor associated with nets there and nets everywhere else, but I'm not trying to change anything there so it doesn't matter. Again I make no apologies for using this thread to further the case for recreational fishing universally.
I think the general point of pro v am is that we have enough trouble going out and catching a feed by rod and reel but when you see large hauls of fish being wiped out in one net shot its a nightmare to us am fishos as we see it from a food and sport perspective whereas pros do it for the dollars and they want as many kgs as they can catch.
Imagine if we were all allowed to have nets. The ocean would be a desert.
I used to see large schools of fish of all sorts schooling up to spawn a number of years back but these days if you see a school thats over a wheelbarrow full you are very lucky.
The marine biomass is decreasing at a great rate where its come to the point of restocking programs.
I think "Traditional Practises" that have gone on for generations are outdated and some of these guys would not survive if it was not for government sudsidies to support them.
They were selling mullet for $15 for 10kg here so what were the co-ops buying them for? 75 cents a kg??
I put more value on the mullet as a living resource as a food supply for other fish species than .75 cents a kg for crab bait or whatever.
When the resources are all used up on this planet where do we go??
We need to think long and hard about the choices we make because it directly affects our kids and their kids etc etc etc.
Are we so greedy that we are just thinking about ourselves, here and now? Have we forgotten about future generations??
IMHO the marketing, not to mention the harvesting and processing, of mullet could be very considerably approved.
Imagine just for example if it was part of a Masterchef 'challenge' -it would become the new yuppy
But seriously, cat food and crab bait is a flippin' disgrace in this modern, supposedly resource-aware era.
I still maintain sea-run mullet, not the river-bound specimens, can be a very nice eating fish.
In the early 80's we used to buy genuine seamullet fillets from an outlet adjacent to Boyds Bay Bridge. It was great stuff!
And as far as a bait goes, not much better than mullet and quite versatile too.
Couldn't agree more Rabbi and Nigel.
Just on the slidng scale of area abandonment that 'beggars belief' - it is the level of trauma (fright) that the fish experience that dictates how much they will avoid an area. The same principles apply to any animal - including humans. For instance, buffalo herds that were targeted by big game hunters in Africa early last century began staying away from areas that they'd been shot in numbers, forcing the hunters to travel further afield to find the herds. Same for the elephants, rhino, thylacene, bison etc - there are any number of examples that can be used.
Received an email from Culum Brown today who authored the book 'Fish Cognition and Behaviour'. He believes my hypothesis is "sound", though is concerned that I am placing too much emphasis on chemical alarm release as being the cause of flight from nets and area abandonment. He says "it honestly doesn't matter, (what type of alarm signal) physical, auditory or chemical alarm cues are sufficient to drive fish away from an area that is repeatedly trawled." "All they need to do is make an association between the negative stimuli and the location".
Those that have read my stuff in the past would know that I have been very much focused on auditory alarm cues (alarm vocalisations) and it is only fairly recently that I have drawn the conclusion that chemical release (schreckstoff) is the reason why fish stay away for as long as they do. But it seems that a combination of all 3 alarm cues - which occurs with netting - is the big one in the life of fishes. ie netted fish emitting alarm vocalisations and schreckstoff and fish nearby urgently fleeing (physical) which is seen by other fish and triggers their alarm also. I have gone into some detail re the combination of alarm cues in my Teewah Beach report in this months Qld Fishing Monthly.
you guys have no idea what you are talking about and you obviously have no real education in this area.nigelr you say "But seriously, cat food and crab bait is a flippin' disgrace" and then you say " And as far as a bait goes, not much better than mullet and quite versatile too" make up your mind.slider you are entitled to your own opinion but i think your full of it.rabbi if you are so worried about the future why did you kill that huge jewfish it must have tasted like shit and been full of worms.i think people who live in glass houses should not throw stones.and yes i'm a commercial fisherman.
Hands up who has eaten mullet recently..................or even in their lifetime. Cant say i see a lot of people qued up at the shop to buy some mullet fillets. So where do these big hauls of mullet end up?