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Thread: how to repair a broken guide on rod?

  1. #1

    how to repair a broken guide on rod?

    i ahvea dirt cheap rod (jarvis walker) that is my 'loan rod' one guide has been crushed so i wan to practice repairs. would i repalce all the guides or just the damaged one?

    are there any guides or how to's arround.

  2. #2
    Just do the damaged one
    Plenty of how to tutorials online
    Do a google search and you'll find more than a few videos

    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

  3. #3

    Re: how to repair a broken guide on rod?

    yea i ahve gooled it but its one of those things that every one is anal about doing it there way. just seeing if anyone has there prefered simple way

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