she aint female shawn .....................
she aint female shawn .....................
How soon everyone forgets that austraila had a inland sea many many years ago and the wet tropical rainforest in cairns was a dry scleriffal forest over 400years ago when industry was not around ??????????????, and to add more the earth was at its closest orbit to the sun last year or the year before that, so over the years to come the earth will move further and further away from it and therefore things will get a bit cooler for us all, just my thoughts on it all, cheers chris.
sorry it double up on the post
Last edited by chris69; 14-08-2011 at 11:27 PM. Reason: double post
And we now have, in the Peer Reviewed Literature, papers describing Climate Sensitivity between 0.5-1.3 degrees C per doubling. IPCC's 1.5 to 5 degrees is a joke.
And we now have, in the Peer Reviewed Literature, papers describing Long Wave Radiation (heat) escaping our atmosphere at rates much higher than the GCM's (the models the lAlarmists say are the evidence of future warming). So the heat is escaping, not being contained. Hypothesis is dead in the water.
It took these papers a loooong time to clear review, given the hostile reception they received. But they GOT THROUGH, because the conclusions are INESCAPABLE. And they are based on OBSERVATION, not models.
CAGW is dying, can't do it soon enough.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Dead right Tim it's appalling the politics at play officially thought the entire AGWCC saga, that paper is a beaut one, lots of scared little profiteering cultists running around scared ATM trying very hard to silence all popular mainstream voices on this paper.
The IPCC 'projections/predictions' read somewhere the IPCC data needed to have an inbuilt and constant near 8 times margin of error...that's preschool scientific investigative quality right there....junk in = junk out, just like in the marine conservation sciences, yep it's effectively over IMO.
Also still waiting the ABC to run the story but I shall not hold my breath for fear of passing out.
Oh yeah and in up to 8 times margin of error point directly toward nothing but a scientific/political scam...nothing higher than this is possible...they should all personally be forced to pay back every cent stolen form the majority.
I hate cherry picking data for something as complex as this issue, however, if these temps were reversed, undoubtly the headline would be something like....Global Warming evidence gathers....or some crap like that.
Cooling is a natural part of warming.
It's all explained in the models.
Which can also be used to prove it's possible to snap freeze a flame.