I remember this getting about on here when it occurred. Here's the result, if you can call it that
I remember this getting about on here when it occurred. Here's the result, if you can call it that
Vegetarian - Ancient tribal slang for the village idiot that can't hunt, fish or ride.
It is as per the inital findings. The problems can't be linked to the nearby farm despite what the media beat it up to be. Disgraceful. I feel for the farm owner as he and his family have been accused and harrassed without any proof. Reading through the findings, make very interesting stuff. Problem may be mirror stuff.
On the contrary, the two vets in the taskforce directly linked the problems with the larval fish with spray drift from the nearby farm, the boundary of which is only around 30 meters from the hatchery at its closest point, with the hatchery surrounded on 3 sides by the farm. Interestingly, the two vets are the only ones on the taskforce professionally qualified to determine the cause of death and deformity of the fishes at the farm. And both vets (one independent , one Government) consider the deformities to be most likely due to spray drift. When you consider spray drift prosecutions have been upheld when properties are up to several kilometers away from a spray source, its interesting that there is such controversy over this one when they are talking only 10's of meters of off site movement and the opinion of the two fish health professionals both concur.