Plus 1 for old layout, looks too busy and not all that easy on the eye.
Plus 1 for old layout, looks too busy and not all that easy on the eye.
changes are always gets boring otherwise, but I don't like all the ads
I understand the need for revenue, but I don't think the ads should be in peoples post
looks like someone is advertising something...maybe keep the ads out of peoples posts
I liked the old Ausfish better
cheers tim
I'm used to it now so not really any differance to me. Change is always a threat. Sit back and relax and before you know it you will hardly remember the old setup.
A Proud Member of
"The Rebel Alliance"
it is a fishing this one or the old one it really isn't all that serious is it..and someone spends a lot of time working on it. Thanks.
I liked the old one as well, but the new layout looks the goods to me
Tight lines <*)(((((((((><
The search feature seems to be hopeless. In some cases it brings up posts from 2004/2006 with one mention of a word in about 8 pages of a post and won't find the word in the title of a thread from very recent posts. Maybe i'm doing something wrong in my searches??
I think it looks great.
Colours are a bit out there... but it will grow on me I think.
I like being able to see threads that I have replied to.
It was once said, A change is as good as a Holiday.
You change your cars, you change your boats, you change your houses, jobs, jocks an socks even change your women .
I could be on the old fahion ways list, never been a lover of change, but change is exciting, something new and different and something to look foward to.
Steve Brown
I think the orange makes it look a bit strange, it does not match the blue top section of the site? Other than that the layout is fine.
Search feature is a known issue. I tried to rebuild the search index at 2:00am but it crashed around 4.
Working on it again.
Last edited by Ausfish; 08-06-2011 at 09:06 AM.
Steve Brown