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Thread: Lake Maroon-Hospitality

  1. #46

    Re: Lake Maroon-Hospitality

    Like Ray I too have stayed at Camp Lakefire a few times and all I can say is it is a great place to stay.
    The staff are friendly and they can never do enough for you.
    I wouldn't think about ever staying any where else and Maroon Dam and now that the lake side camping is open again I will be back as it is awesome staying down the bottom there.
    Our boats are sitting in the water only 50 feet from the campsite all weekend and its so easy to go for a fish anytime you want.

  2. #47

    Re: Lake Maroon-Hospitality

    Quote Originally Posted by gunna View Post
    So I take it you have tried it again which would then give you the right to denigrate my post ?? If not - then pull your head in.

    I will repeat - Lake Maroon Park was excellent in December 2012.
    Gunna! I have not re-visited Lake Maroon since 2011, nor will I probably ever again.

    Glad you had a good experience at Lake Maroon, unfortunately I don't share your enthusiasm.

    My apologies if I denigrated, damaged and or derogerated your post.

    As for pulling my head in I'll do that right now just for you. @$#%

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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