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Thread: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    I have my waypoints in cmap/csv/text and even ms-excel format and looking to get them into a format that Garmin HomePort can work with. Lots of forums suggest GPSBabel but I can't get an import format to suit - Universal CSV looked promising but get an error when I leave the header in the file (even though the help says it needs this header).

    Anyone able to give me a clue on this? And no, I won't send the file for others to convert!

  2. #2

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    If GPs babel isnt working then you might have to start typing or try converting in stages.
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  3. #3

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    If you get on the net download GPS Utilities it is free, but you can only convert 20 or so marks at a time unless you buy the full version. Once you have converted the marks you have to know where to put them in homeport.
    PM me if you need a hand

  4. #4

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    Try "G7toWin" Whiteman - its primarily for Garmin GPS (I use it to download from my GPS and backup etc) . Its a freebie on the net. (first hit on google search of "G7toWin" is the link i used.

    You can import CSV files into this program and should be able to savethen convert/ back down for your garmin. Not sure what format the csv has to be in - there is a version that has a help file that should point you in the right track. (or save some dummy marks down to CSV and you'll be able to work it out?)

    Mightn't work - but worth a try.


  5. #5

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    if you download GPSU file converter as well as GPSU. You can use the file convertor program to load almost any CSV or spce tabbed list. i have been using this program for over 10 years. it is capable of doing conversion between almost any GPS format. happy to give tips to anyone that messages me.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member whiteman's Avatar
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    Jul 2002
    Townsville Qld

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    Thanks all. FishHunter seems to have the answer (I'm afraid). Those other programs are not recognising my input data. I could try and use GPSBabel's programmable interface but that would probably take me days to work out. This should be incredibly simple as the input file in either XML or CSV is clearly labelled.

    Now I'm running into issues with Garmin's HomePort and have opened another thread. Why is this so difficult? Am I the only person on the web to move from a Navman to a Garmin?

  7. #7

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    I have Garmin mapsource and homeport and after fiddling a bit with homeport i am sticking with mapsource
    BOAT really does mean Bring out Another Thousand

  8. #8

    Re: Convert Cmap/csv/text to Garmin

    Use GPS Utility

    Save your points in GPX format
    They will then import to homeport.

    The whole world's mad save thee & me (but I'm not too sure about thee)

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