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Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!
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Thread: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

  1. #1

    Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Hi Everyone,

    Here are a few experiences i've been lucky to enjoy in life.

    I hope Cleetis the Croc was only after the little fella in the last pic

    Cheers Lyndon

  2. #2
    Ausfish Platinum Member Obi _ Wan's Avatar
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    Aug 2006

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    G'Day Lyndon, some good pictures there mate, what length would he be six foot?

    And he is a freshie isn't he??

    By the way, where have you been, it's been quite a while since i seen anything from you and what are you doing these days?



  3. #3

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    great pictures would of been a great site to see.


  4. #4

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    That's a salty?
    Although that bottom jaw looks pretty straight....

  5. #5

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Hmm, i'm leaning towards a big freshie, snout is way too long for a saltie, although the eyes are a fair way apart?

    Good photography none the less tho. Would have been entertaining.


  6. #6

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    definitely a freshy - the black bands accross his body are a bit of a giveaway too.

  7. #7
    Ausfish Silver Member
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    Nov 2008

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Freshy or salty makes no difference to me.

    I'd be needing a clear pair of jocks

  8. #8

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Good to see your getting out there loving living life brother !!
    Hows the skinny one i have not seen or heard him in a while ?


  9. #9
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    If it is a freshie it goes against all I have read about them shy and don't attack unless provoked this one was none of them.

  10. #10
    Ausfish Platinum Member Boat Hog's Avatar
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    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Freshie... Saltie... who gives a ....... I would have been out the other side of the tinnie and up the bank with a brown stain in my daks before the first frame was captured!

    Top stuff Lyndon

  11. #11

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    great photos...but Im with the rest of the gang......wouldnt be standing there behind the camera !!!

    Jeez...Im gunna have to learn to keep my eye on the ball when we start travelling around OZ and I fish solo!!!! Learn to keep my fingers in the boat!

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member wamjam's Avatar
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    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Cheaky bugger, looks like a very likely looking spot to cast a line...I think if that was a salty, those pics would be a lot more fuzzy...


  13. #13

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Hi thanks for the replies they provided me with a good laugh.

    We had my brothers 8 year old little tacker with us at the time. We kept telling her to keep a distance from the river etc. However after the croc charged we didn't need to hand out anymore Croc awareness training, she was too scared to go anywhere near the local pool Job done. Yes the story made it to show and tell...

    If it was a salty, yes the pics would have been fuzzy and a lot more distance between the shots. A guy got grabbed by a salty around the same size while sitting in his 4.5 meter hornett but managed to survive as it didn't get his head, just his back and shoulders, he wedged his knees under the console so he wasn't taken overboard. Lucky bugger, that would have been scary. Funnily enough it was on a river where they train crocs to jump 6 feet in the air. Maybe a bit of evolution starting there e.g. passing things down to the next generation.

    The local girls we met fishing nicknamed this croc (The one in the photo's) Cleetis. And they had a stash of mud bombs ready to go whenever Cleetis decided to say Gday. See photo's below.

    In the last photo Cleetis popped up a bit too close, within 2 meters which made easy target practise.

    It was interesting observing the behaviour. Laps across the river telling us this was not our territory. Arched back making noises trying to clear us out. Laying right across the bank when a skinny kid tried to fish there. Cleetis had the girls way up the bank more than a few times until he saw someone around 300lbs (mistaken for a Buffalo) then there was less bluff. I definately got the feeling everyone was sized up.

    All in all it was fun having good old Cleetis around.

    Cheers Lyndon.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Apr 2002

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by SeekingBarradise View Post
    A guy got grabbed by a salty around the same size while sitting in his 4.5 meter hornett but managed to survive as it didn't get his head, just his back and shoulders, he wedged his knees under the console so he wasn't taken overboard. Lucky bugger, that would have been scary. Funnily enough it was on a river where they train crocs to jump 6 feet in the air. Maybe a bit of evolution starting there e.g. passing things down to the next generation.
    Was that the bit on TV recently as they were interviewing them in a documentary and they were camped up for the night had the mossie net up from the canopy and just finished cooking a feed and the bloke was relaxing with his back to the gunwale and the croc reared up out of the darkness. He was only saved by the canopy supports as it deflected the croc's lunge.

    I thought they went out to catch or destroy the croc were they successful?

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Aug 2010

    Re: Aboriginal Experiences + Croc Charging!!!

    Definitely a freshie just being extremely territorial, not looking for a feed as freshies generally prey on food items about the size of your thumb. As said arched back and vocalising is their way of showing off to defend their territory.

    Freshies rarely carry on like this and generally its just bluff. However the odd one will take on a smallish person out of aggression if the warnings arent taken and you dont give them their space......

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