Radar only shows other boats around, also will show if there is white water on the bar when you are coming to it. You do not use it to cross but.
I have very good night vision, most places on a black night still has a fair bit of light as in gold coast, bars like evans head are simple in white water as it is not like the pin, only one set to skip through. If the hole to get through is not long, then you go through the last breaking wave of the set. After it breaks of course. Wouldn't do this unless you are sure of what you are doing but.
Hard to explain how to cross, have taught a few blokes over the years including my kids, you look at shadows not waves, and you don't look at the bar but use your periffial vision, you can see them. Been doing it for 30 yrs with no problems. Easier to explain on the water and show where to look.