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Thread: catfish

  1. #1

    Angry catfish

    Can you eat fork tailed catfish if so how is the best way. Some days thats all you seem to catch

  2. #2

    Re: catfish

    haha you are a very brave man to try it... i wouldnt be game but you could try smoking it ?

  3. #3
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: catfish

    cause you can .basa is catfish at the supermarket

  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member Cheech's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004

    Re: catfish

    I have never tried it, but others say they are quite good. My fishing buddie wants to give them a try. The only way one of them gets in my boat will be if he brings along a sack to put it in.

  5. #5

    Re: catfish

    They are OK to eat, most people toss them back to avoid being spiked, but cook them as you would any other fish.

  6. #6

    Re: catfish

    Haven't tried them, not too keen to either, but I don't see the harm in it.

    Conservation NOT preservation!

  7. #7

    Re: catfish

    filipinas at my work boil the $*** out of it then fry it with herbs and garlic add in some sweet chilli and they recon its great. But those bastards eat just about anything

  8. #8

    Re: catfish

    I lived in the US for a few years. In the Mid-West where I was, Catfish was about the only fish served up. There were other options, of course, but Catfish was most common. As I understand, the issue is that they're bottom feeders, and can take on a muddy taste. The Catfish in the US was mostly commercially farmed. That said, I would not hesitate to try one caught out in the bay. Up some muddy estuary, probably not.
    It is interesting though, as this topic comes up with some regularity, and you get the typical 'boil it with stones, then eat the stones' responses, right through to 'it's got a lovely sweet, white flesh'. Typically the disparity in answers are between those that have never eaten Catfish and those that have. The flesh isn't poisonous, so try one next time and make up your own mind. You've got nothing to lose with it.

    Of course, there a still much better tasting fish out there, but if that's all you catch on that day, why not give it a try?

  9. #9

    Re: catfish

    Just get someone else to clean them and gut them etc (preferably out of your sight) then present you with a tray of fresh looking boneless fillets - like what you'd see in the supermarket (basa..!)

    I hate handling those slimy mongrels and if I had to prepare one to the fillet stage I'm sure the handling process would put me off eating it.

    Eel tail catties I can manage, but the forktails....naaah
    "...a voice in my head keeps telling me to go fishing..."

  10. #10

    Re: catfish

    What a bunch of nancy boys you lot are.

    Eat the buggers. They're great especially if they're caught in clear, clean water.
    Very white firm flesh with no bones to pick.
    Just fiillet them and instead of ripping the fillet right off stop about 10mm from the end of the tail, flip the fillet over and then proceed to rip the skin off the slippery sucker (it's easier to control the skinning if still attached to the backbone).
    Dip in milk then flour and then fry in a buttery pan and serve with home chips and some frehs homegrown tomatoes and jobs done.
    I'm salvitating just thinking about it

    I dare someone to tell the difference between a catty and some other popular eating fish and see which is better.
    I prefer the catty to some others.
    What have you got to lose by trying them?? Your not going to die. Well at least I haven't yet
    I intend on living far so good

  11. #11

    Re: catfish

    use a pair of side cutters and snip the pointy bits off asap if worried about handling them with the spikes

    much easier after that

  12. #12
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2004

    Re: catfish

    Cook on the ship I used to work on fished when ever she had the chance, problem was all she caught was catfish and sharks. One day after we had caught a few Spanish Mackeral on the troll we were anchored up and she nailed a huge catty - fed up with our banter she filleted it. Lunch time came around and what do you know we have Fish & Chips! 'Spanish Mackeral and chips" she said, and handed me a big plate. First bite I could taste that it wasn't mackeral and immediately accused her of feeding us catty. To prove a point she had cooked both! Spanish mackeral was definately better, but the catty really wasn't too bad.
    Still don't eat catfish tho!

  13. #13

    Re: catfish

    i wouldnt be game but you could try smoking it ?
    yer from which end

  14. #14

    Re: catfish

    have you heard of anyone using them for crab bait

  15. #15
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    Re: catfish

    me,they are great mudcrab bait,cheap too

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