been fishing around Margate of late and have noticed the sign on the southern side and the yellow beacons marking the scotts point green zone aren't there anymore. has anyone else seen this or were these destroyed in the floods?
been fishing around Margate of late and have noticed the sign on the southern side and the yellow beacons marking the scotts point green zone aren't there anymore. has anyone else seen this or were these destroyed in the floods?
Hi brock yep that sign has gone and only 2 marker bouys left there 1 each end i just hope the post for the sign has completely gone and not just broken off under the waterline , it is very hard to define where the zone starts in close to the jetty without that sign there , i might be wrong but i believe it may be in line with the rock wall in front of the palace hotel in a direct line towards brighton until about the end of the woody point jetty as you are able to fish off the jetty there is a area on the east side not in the zone , i have noticed they have yellow bouys marking the brighton zone as well
i could only see one beacon last week while i was out. Seen a guy labour day plain as day fishing in the dead centre of the green zone.
Oh come on Guys.
You all know that Kate has told us the Green Zones are fully marked. Surely you wouldn't disbelieve her? You must all be in error, and she is right.
Get with the programme!
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Markers gone!?? Ka-Ching! + the value added opportunity to persecute good people...does it get any better for todays Australian government departments.
Yep you are right Tim they were fully marked until we had a blow of wind and a few small waves , but they have not booked enough people for fishing in them yet to replace the signs that washed away yet
it is a bit like the cardinal marks on the sth east and west corner of Mud what flashing lights pitch dark when i was there on sunday morning nothing ever seems to get fixed in the bay once it breaks maybe it will take an injury to get them to do something ,
since i sense some sarcasm... maybe the government should introduce a fishing licence to help pay for repairs or replacements.or maybe some fishing taxes to raise revenue.
i was past the area yesterday and the only one left is the SE corner marker.
cheers swano
Hi Swano
there was one down the scotts point end in front of king st 2 weeks ago has it gone now as well
Well this is what we get when we have a government more interested in funding for feel good environmental programes likegreen zones and solar and insulation subsidies.... but starves departments providing basic services.
They had all the money they wanted for glossy brocures and media statements to go with the whole marine park thing, but they knew damn well they could not fund the management of it.
so that bloke fishing in the green zone........he has bucklies of being caught.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
Mate it really really pee's me off the number of boats i see fishing in the aforementioned green zone. Two weeks ago (4/6) I saw three boats fishing in the green zone in broad daylight, well inside it too.
i want a bigger boat
Call Sign "In-Vince-able" VHF 72
i believe the northen end has a marker on the rocks at scotts point as i went for a wander there this morning for a look, it is on the 2nd outcrop of rocktowards woody point not the 1 on the margate side and just says marine park green zone whicj leads me to believe you can fish off the off the first lot of rocks on the margate side of scotts point no other signs on the beach front or the ramp at margate and looking at the map it ran at an angle out to the last marker that has now gone that was just sth of king st can any one confirm this the maps are a bit inconclusive
I rang Marine Parks re this as I got sick of seeing people constantly fishing well inside the Green Zone at South reef. Its a joke really, if you set up zones and dont police them whats the point? They seem to police the Passage ones pretty well! My mate lives right in front there at South Reef and every time I visit him we see boats in the Zone. He told me some nights ago a boat came flying along there in the dark right near the shore and then BANG smashed straight into the rocks just offshore. They called the coast guard and they came to tow th boat home. If people are even too dumb to note charts and see where to travel or not, what hope is there that they will study green zones?
Solution...everytime you see a boat in a zone, motor over and tell them, with courtesy of course. I have done this lot in the Passage. That way we help get the word out, if they leave or not is up to them, but most people dont want a $500 fine.
The response I got was that the missing marker bouy on the East of Scots Point is on the agenda to be replaced, it had come up "in a meeting" and that all these bouys signs etc are placed there by subcontractors.