After losing all my reefs in the recent floods, Insurance is nice enough to pay for some more for me.
Im initially looking at a overhead and a spin reel.
Overheads mainly for bottom bashing, Im looking at Dawia Saltist 2 speed conventional, Or the Level wind.
I was contemplating a shimano Torsa 20. Is it worth the upgrade?
Then I came across Accurate reels. The BX-500/600 looks fantastic.
Which of the above would be the better choice?
or any other suggestions? Jiggmaster?
Budget is about to $6-800ish
Second reel is a new Spinning reel.
I had a 14000 upgraded spheros which was great.
My choices are the usual Saltist 6500 or saragosa debate.
Or what about the daiwa catalina 6500? whats the difference between it and the saltist?