cracked a couple of ribs 2 weeks ago while packing to go to Borumba for a few days, had all ready and slipped in the boat checking tied down gear in the wet. Anyway nearly healed except when I sneeze and move a certain way.
Started to move around again after getting restless doing nothing and decided to start fishing again. Pine river was still over flowing at the wall so decided to chase some bass on Saturday afternoon up from Petrie. Water is still very fresh up that way even with the larger tides. Ended up with 2 each all caught on Spinnerbaits. a couple in the mid 40s. My lovely lady got her first bass ever.
Had a rest Sunday and went out with a couple of guys from work on Monday, one who bought a new flash alloy plate walk around cab. We chased live bait for ever I think and finally worked them out and got a few, sat at Curtin reef for a while then drifted for a bit with no hits at all. Finally ended up beacon hopping where I put them onto some fish, a nice longtail took a live bait and some legal school mackeral on lures.
Was a bit choppy on the way out in the morning ribs didnt like it but after that was a beautiful day. I get to clean the fish so have a nice fresh feed again and some in the freezer.