Kyle & I headed to the boatramp for a very early start to a day's fishin at Peel yesterday. Lucked out at Wello Point and launched without any delay just before a dozen or so boats pulled up!
Fished the pre-dawn around Hanlon but only managed one undersize snapper to Kyle. We then headed to the reef edge near Isolated Hazard Beacon and drifted parallel to the reef. I was using a new Threadybuster 60 in Ayu when it was monstered on a short lift in 5.5m of water. With drag screaming I managed to turn the fish and the battle began. After five minutes and many long runs I got some colour. Kyle put in a great net shot and my new PB snapper of 56cm came aboard.
Next drift and Kyle's plastic is nailed. He thinks it is a small fish until his drag begins to ZZZZZZ and soon after I net a 40cm snap for him. A few more undersize snaps before the boat traffic closes down the bite.
We then headed to our favourite low tide sand/mud bank to try for some duskies on poppers. I went fishless but Kyle managed a 48cm dusky and a 40cm bar tail in quick succession. As the tide changed we headed to Bird island to do some breamin.
Soon after we arrive Kyle's popper is inhaled and a 29cm bream comes aboard with a short but tough fight. My lures are all but ignored! Kyle changes to a TT Switchblade and gets a 40cm bar tail and soon after a 38cm dusky. The pike then move in so we decide to head home,
A short stop was made at Hanlon but the boat traffic was outrageous so we headed in. Halfway home we came across birds working and big longtails smashing bait on the surface. We have chased these beasts on odd occasions for a couple of years but have never got close enough for a hook-up. As soon as we approached the schools disappeared...
We noticed lots of tiny baitfish so I tied a 15g Halco Twisty onto my 'pelagics' rod (which has never caught any fish!) and pursued another school. Kyle motored in quietly while I readied my cast. When we got into range I threw my cast to where I thought the school might next come to the surface. To my complete surprise they did and my lure landed smack bang in the middle of them and I was on!
About 80m of 30lb braid screamed off my reel as Kyle started to chase this fish. I told him to stop as I turned its head and the long fight began. Run after screaming run followed before this fish started to tire. After 15 minutes I finally got colour and saw a big longtail tuna lip hooked with one small treble. Kyle grabbed the leader and I reached for the tail wrist (like I saw on TV) and with one big lift my first Longtail Tuna (thunnus tonggol) came aboard. I was knackered! A few quick pics, measured at 95cm on the Truthmat and she was speared back into the deep blue...
What a way to finish the day. Final tally was about 6 snapper (with a 56cm PB to me and a 40cm to Kyle), 4 flathead, a bream, a legion of pike and my cherry busting longtail. All fish released to catch another day.
A magic Good Friday on Moreton Bay.
Pete & Kyle