Yeah pazz gave us the S**ts proper good I've rang the bloke and had a go at him too but he swares he found it on his own but we know thats a load of crap. Will be a long time till we find a spot like that again, if we ever do.
Yeah pazz gave us the S**ts proper good I've rang the bloke and had a go at him too but he swares he found it on his own but we know thats a load of crap. Will be a long time till we find a spot like that again, if we ever do.
Bloody hell , after reading all these horror stories , now I know why I only fish freshwater away from everyone else . Might reduce my catch to a certain degree , however it makes the day a hell of a lot more enjoyable.
Shouldn't one give way to all other traffic whilst reversing and sustain from injuring people
Yeah maybe one should but when one is committed in a 6.4 mtr boat coming backwards it is a little hard to pull up instantly for someone who cannot wait 30 seconds for me to get out of the way pure and simple he was impaitient and he got wet. Bit like when I was putting the boat in and a charter boat decided he wanted to take up the whole pontoon in his 7mtr centre cab for about 15mins to load his clients on and have a talk to them before they went out I didn't try and pull up behind him to get my wife and daughter off the pontoon I was paitient and waited people need to wait their turn as far as I am concerned and there will be no dramas.
This is a case where everyone actually got on ok. Don't get me wrong though - blowflies really sh!t me. No secret spots here, just because 1 boat picked up a trophy fish on day 1 of the Barra Nats 2011
Attachment 69040
What Pazz is saying is my biggest grumble. I'll give an example of something that happened to me at Agnes a couple of weeks ago. I had found a very small pinnacle that was loaded and fishing well when out of the blue a bloke in a large cat with a radar came within 20m of us and started drifting. I KNOW this spot is not well known due to where it is and how it fishes. As luck would have it, they did a drift and caught nothing and took off, but in the process saw us load a few on. I'll lay money that he goes straight there next time, gets a few and it becomes a honey hole for him. Now one extra boat will not kill the spot off, especially if it only gets fished irregularly, but its just RUDE. There was no communication between the boats because I didnt want to give away that the place fished well, if he simply noted the depth we were fishing and looked around, he would have found fish and I have no dramas with that.
Why should I find the fish for him???
From memory, unlike on the road there is no distinction as to the direction of travel of a boat in the colregs...forward or backward the rules are the same and there is no such thing as giving way on the water, all parties are obliged keep a proper look out and to avoid collision.
A party loading a boat on a trailer or slip cradle could easily be argued to be in a situation of restricted manovering capability, and at definite risk of comming backward under minimal control. A prudent person would steer clear and keep clear untill the vessel is secured or safely cleared.
The single biggest failure in understanding of the international colision regulations that have stood for nearly 200 years in the current form is that they are bassed on consideration of I'll go further your obligation to all others.....where our road rules seem to be framed arround your rights in relation to the other vehicle.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
I thought there is general giveway rules on the water, give way to vessels restricted in their ability to move such as sail boats, give way to your starboard side i.e turn to starboard. they might not say 'giveway' but thats what i infer. am i wrong? maybe i need a refresher....
Yeh I know it is nit picky, but just using the words "give way" produces the wrong impression.
the words "give way" and "right of way" belong on the road and give people the wrong idea.
The concept is "collision avoidance" and except under exceptional circumstances any two vessels that colide will both be found partly at fault regardless of the detail in colision regs.
I know the paraphrased driving guides use the words "give way", but I do not believe it should be taken in the same way as on the that you "give way", but there is no "right of way"...more "stay out of the way".
and in the boat ramp case above, that is what should have happened, the impatient bloke should have "stayed out of the way".
We do take it for granted, but "stay out of the way" is a proper nautical term in origin and very deep in meaning.
AND a very pertinent concept in the original discussion in this thread..if we all "stayed out of each others way", there would be very little to winge about in this thread.
Just to give an example of manners.
I was monitoring the port frequency one day and heard a FBS (ing big ship) hail a small sail yacht comming the other way on the VHF.
Unknown sailing craft........... this is the captain of................various pleasntries......I propose to pass you port to port in the channel approximately...........this is the skipper of..... agreed port to port......good afternoon........good afternoon.
The captain ( a real one) of a ship who's smallest anchor would weigh many times the smaller craft, treating the smaller craft with respect and courtesy...why should it be any other way.
Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.
That makes two of us. I have always thought power gives way to sail and to give way to starboard.
Just want to update this thread from my fishing exploits today. Went over to Mud this moring had a great morning fishing bringing about 30 or more sqiure Kept about 8 as they were legal size had a great run back the Scarbrough no dramas was feeling really good about the day I have just had. Got back to the boat ramp at the Redcliffe coast guard on coming into the pontoon there were people fishing off the middle section of the pontoon where boats of all sizes are coming in every half hour or so. As I was apporoaching you would think this long haired moron would have pulled his and his sons fishing lines up but hey being the simple dipshit he was decided to leave them in forcing me to manouver my 6.4mtr boat to the far end of the pontoon.....not get my engine tangled or anything in their lines which his line did anyway.There was no way I could have got around you would think someone would say sorry about that mate but this clown said hey mate did you not see my line in the water there ....I really did not know how to respond as part of me was wanting to drown this moron and just put him out of his misery. But I held my tounge gave him a look that would have frozen over the depths of hell and him and his hill billy family moved off the pontoon and over to the marina inlet where they should have been in the first place. Hopefully I will have no more drama at this ramp the third time around But I mean really is it me or I am I expecting too much of people to just use common sence and say hey look there is a boat coming into the pontoon here lets just get our lines in so this guy and use the pontoon for about 5 mins to go and and get his trailer to put his boat on....Please tell me am I making too much out of this.
No fisho8 I dont think you are I live in a small coastal town in queensland were most of us a fisho's but we are cursed with beach ramps which are only really only suitable for bigger boats at high tide. there are rocks on either side with small patches of sand. I came in early this year and a punter and his wife on the boat ramp refused to move. so i had to anchor off and swim in. I asked the bloke why he didnt move and he stated that he was there first. I said mate this is a boat ramp its alright to fish on them but move when a boat comes in. He said he didnt own a boat and that was my problem. So i went and got into my car wet and reversed my trailer down the ramp and he still didnt move. So i kept reversing and run over his fold up chair. He got upset with that and i said thats not my chair thats not my problem. So he storms off with his wife raining insults on me as he left. I am not an agro person and i believe in giving everyone a fair go. But it seems that there are people out there that will just go out of their way to be difficult. This bloke was not a local but retired and travelling through you would think he would have had more sense. It was actually lucky that he encountered me first because some of the other locals would not have been so nice. I think the point I am trying to make is regardless of what your fishing out of or just standing on the beach. That our behaviours have a big impact on the quality of the day for our fellow fisherman. Do the right thing.
Interesting that fishos on boat ramps and pontoons think they have rights over the boats.
There is a public pontoon down the Gold Coast behind Tiki that allows 20 minute for private boats.
It has a sign saying that people fishing have to give way to boats. They are not stopping fishing off it, they are just clarifying to stop hassles.
I thought it would be common sense that a pontoon installed for boats would give boats priority, but I guess a lot of people just don't have any common sense (some even look brain dead)
Like the dill at white Is yesterday ....... I'm lined up to reverse my boat into the centre lane & he drives in ..... jumps out to go get the car while his missus holds the boat on the ramp . ...... totally clueless
Then the drips that fished so close to me yesterday that my anchor would have nearly been under their boat .......... they totally stuffed my oftion of casting up tide & drifting my placcies back. I mean hell its a big river ....... why do you need to sit 15M away from another boat
Give a man a fish & he will eat for a day !
Teach him how to fish
& he will sit in a boat - & drink beer all day!
Yeah that is it guys common sence on the water respecting ones fishing space when you are fishing in a huge area and showing courtesy at boatramps and giving everyone a chance to load and unload their boat safely it is not asking too much. It is the odd few that just do not think and just want to get in or get out of the water as quick as they can or just want to fish on top of you when they have the whole river,bay,ocean to fish in I picked up a good tip in this months Bush and beach mag this month which is more than likely common knowlege to most people here and that is to not cross the rear of a boat at close quarters as you can disrupt that boats berley trail and spook whatever fish have come onto it something I did not think of and will be mindful of when out on the water also.