Hey All,
Well finally got a wahoo in the boat this arvo after alot of fishing and no catching. We had calm seas over here for the past few days and me and he boy went out this arvo and trolled around the country in about 3ish hours (and used 15-20lt of fuel .
We got into some noddy action trolling a halco max and a purple, black, clear and red Uzi (sorry Peter...not sure of the colours name) and I cast a halco spoon into the mix with no success then the rod with the Pakula Uzi went off with what turned out to be a 7.5kg wahoo. Sure was good to hear the reel scream (it went off the other day and ended up being a turtle ) I cleared the other line and teaser (i lost the back 1/2 of it and a squid...maybe some more tothy critters around...not real sure) and got him to the boat no worries.
I checked his gut later and the fish they were eating were only 3 or 4 cm long little white bait kinda looking things...so I reckon I was pretty lucky to get him on a Uzi...he must have been hungry. I hooked him the corner of the mouth with the 7/0 and a split ring and to the swivel...was probably abit lucky to not get bit off on 80lb mono. He munched a few of the squid skirt strands off but not too bad.
How close do you guys reckon u need to get to what they are eating with your lure selection? I have a few small slugs that will match the small fish from the wahoo's guts, but that makes it hard to have the right hooks and such to land a good fish. Any ideas?
Anyway it was a great sunday arvo on the water, the Boy was way excited about getting a fish in the boat. Unfortunately it's meant to be blowing 20's tomorrow