The Chairman of Sunfish invited Bill Corten and myself to attend a Sunfish meeting with the new Fisheries Minister at Hervey Bay last Wednesday week. Bill had work commitments so I drove up to explain the RRFF working groups involvement in the snapper review and to listen to what Sunfish and the Minister had to say.
Sunfish is of the view that the sustainability of Snapper and other rocky reef species can be managed at this stage through bag and size restrictions, and by ensuring that only hand lines and rod & line are the only methods used by all three sectors.
The management option put forward by Sunfish for the recreational fishing sector is:
Sunfish position on a TAC is that it does not support a Total Allowable Catch (TAC) but if Government persists with a TAC then a breakdown of allocations needs to be done fairly and strictly in accordance with the recent history of catch-shares in the Snapper fishery. Sunfish is of the view that seasonal closures and or very low bag limits as put forward in options 3 and 4 are not warranted.
- The recreational bag limits for each of the three Rocky Reef species (Snapper, Pearl Perch and Teraglin) should be 5 of each species in possession.
- The minimum size limits should be Snapper 35cm, Pearl Perch 35cm and Teraglin 38cm.
- Within the bag limit of 5 for snapper, only 2 snapper over 70cm per person.
- Catch and fishery monitoring of the recreational sector to be done as at present by Fisheries Queensland via the State-wide annual recreational fishing surveys held about every 3 year to 4 years to estimate catch and effort parameters, and by the long term monitoring program to monitor recruitment and by collecting and analysing the size and age frequency of fish taken by anglers.
- Sunfish supports an additional voluntary monitoring program whereby experienced snapper anglers will keep logbooks of their catches. The aim is to establish a time series of catch and effort data from these anglers.
- Sunfish supports the RIS proposal for a stock assessment of rocky reef species done in a mid-term review in five years.
The Minister to his credit listened to what was said and engaged in dialogue with all those present.
The submissions to the RIS close today and the matter now rests with the Minister.