I have sort of evidence that not all stats are used to sink rec fishos, and maybe even help, we had a survey done almost exactly like this in my area, there was volunteers at every ramp, 7 days a week for about 3 months, they collected stuff like, how long where you out, how many on board, how many fish and what species they were, how many boats used each ramp, how many cars had to park away from the ramp, all sorts of seemingly useless info. The end result was the busiest ramp got the most money spent on it (Local Council) also increased parking, the Fisheries SEEMED to increase patroling the ramps with the most catch, NO marine parks or reduced bag limits eventuated (yet) Now I am not saying this is what you could be in for, but to be paranoid and say nothing just gives US nothing as evidence to fight with, emotion and hysteria will never win any arguments against facts and figures, regardless of how they are obtained.