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Thread: What Braid?

  1. #16

    Re: What Braid?

    Yeah mate. Many people have made a good point. There are many good brands out there, and very personal opinion. But for me, I used Powerpro (cheap from US), Tuffline and Daiwa Saltiga Boat Braid. All good!

  2. #17

    Re: What Braid?

    cheers boys for all the advivce, much appreciated.......I don't have a problem with snapper and only use 30lb mono with no lead or little, always getting my fish well up the water column.
    It's those big trout I want to stop!!!
    Thanks again ...

  3. #18

    Re: What Braid?

    Quote Originally Posted by nigelr View Post
    Mate have you tried just upping the leader strength? Or is it the mainline that is getting trashed?
    Sounds like you fish similar country to me, but I'm not on coral reef.
    I find 80lb leader will land anything I want to bring to the boat, but 60lb will get rubbed to shreds by decent snapper. I'm only using mono leader, you could probably go 100lb with that nice flash flouro stuff! Having said that I believe those coral trout are dirtier fighters than the old snapper....
    Cheers and good luck.
    Main line getting smashed to answer your question....I'm on live reef (coral) in 20 mteres....I fish light so 1 metre or more slack and there bricking you...
    Definetly not snapper there pussies compared to whats happening.....
    Going out Sunday afternoon or Monday morning at this will let you guys know how things went, hopefully some
    photos.... cheers for all the advice .... mud

  4. #19

    Re: What Braid?

    I normally use FINS braid and have been more than happy with it's performance, however I just purchased some 80lb PE DYNEEMA BRAID online very cheap.
    Has anyone been using this and is it any good.
    Maturity is not when we start speaking BIG things,it is when we start understanding small things

  5. #20

    Re: What Braid?

    Check out Paulus's posts here, sound test methodlogy.Worth a read.



  6. #21

    Re: What Braid?

    Hey guys

    I think that this buisness of tough has a lot of hearsay and old wives tales attached to it, and just saying a the line broke or parted is not good enough.

    Far to many variables I think, you need to look at, number of strands, overall size, abs, compare size with size and abs, then how long a line has been in use as to how it will perform, older lines will perform poorly compared to new lines.

    In Australia we have a lot of good lines available to us.

    I see Tasline made in NZ (new comer on the block) have a few strong thin lines.

    I keep saying thin with a high abs is better. Have a look at some of the lines listed.


  7. #22

    Re: What Braid?

    What is abs?

  8. #23

    Re: What Braid?

    Bs, Breaking strain.
    Abs, Actual breaking strain.
    (Av) Average
    (B) Best


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