I was just woundering haven't been to tin can before going up in a week dose any won have any tips on the fishing and crabing there and dose any won no it and where to fish for mackeral there
I was just woundering haven't been to tin can before going up in a week dose any won have any tips on the fishing and crabing there and dose any won no it and where to fish for mackeral there
Are you able to go outside or are you restricted to inside the bar? There are options in both locations. You will pick up small mackerel at times around Big Mick where Tin Can Inlet meets the Sandy Straits as well as bigger specimens in the Sandy Straits itself.
yer im able to go out side depending on the weather where abouts it big mack . Am i right in thinking that from what i have read that it is the green marker of inskip point
and what do you recommend i use bait/soft plastics or hard bodies
From TCB you have several fishing and crtabbing sites to visit as follows:
Seary's Ledge which is located across from where the Yachts are moored SE of which is located opposite crabb creek
Crabbe creek is good for whiting fishing but only at high tide
Snapper creek for whiting and flat head
Tebar Creek is located East of TCB as you are heading towards the BAR and is marked by a Yellow Cross also opposite Tebar Creek Yellow Cross is Tebar Ledge
Heading further towards the BAR you will see the barges if you look to your left you will see Big Mick (Green Cardinal Marker) usually there will be several boats ancored there.
If you head up the sandy straights you will come across Kauri Creek and opposite Kauri Ck is the Bluff on Fraser Is.
Mate enquire at some of the caravan site offices as there is a TCB rough mud map with all these locations marked on it
Hope this of some assistance
Frazorodz Rod & Reel Repairs
Hi Nick
The wife picked up a couple of macks last time we were at Tin Can.
In amongst the moored boats off Norman point.
We were fishing in a couple of deep holes for a cod or 2 and the baits got smashed as soon as they hit the water.
PM sent
My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.
Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.