Took the young fella fishing yesterday at Maroochy.Didnt have to much trouble cast netting some mullet and gar.Some of the mullet were eating size!Fished mostly at our fave spot near petrie creek using prawns and flesh baits aswell as livey hanging out the back.Caught quite a few just legal bream and a few keepers at 28cm.Also caught a few grunter and small moses perch.Had a few runs on the livies.On one good run a set the hook and a 2-3 foot grey and white torpedo launched out of the water about 20m from the boat I called it for a bully from what I saw and it cut me off at the hook on 15lb trace.
Attached is a pic of the youg fellas two biggest bream and a pic of the shell i keep pulling off the bottom.I think the bream like the bottom there anybody got any idea what kind of shells they are doesnt seem to be any life in them but they are all over the bottom.