From what I understand, the other manufactures had stalled for so long with there fly by wire systems is due to the fact that Mercury was in some sort for legal battle surrounding their DTS.. There was supposedly a investigation surround a death or injury, then there were possible law suit by the victim or victims family.. Once that was cleared the others released their fly by wire systems..
Obviously Mercury were cleared on all counts (what ever they were).. Hence why all the other manufactures now have FBW... Had it gone the other way,, FBW would be still a long way away....
Oh, Mercury (Brunswick corp) are in another legal fight. This time their being sued for not providing a propeller guard on their crafts..
What happened was, the boat operator was picking up a skier from the water.. As he was backing up, they ran into the victim with the prop... IRC the Victim lost their leg... How the hell is that Merc fault, I dont know...
Jabba, the guy dose not have a leg to stand on in court
also the guy behind the wheel of the boat is being charged for GBH
Hahahahaha.. Thats good..
And so he should.... How hard is it to turn off the motor once your close to the person in the water.. I always shut down the motor when a person is climbing into the boat... Its just to easy to accidently knock the throttle into gear....
Back on track.. I have driven a few Yamahas with DTS, and it is magic... My next motor will have DTS for certain..
thats why i got dts in my boat ,now some of you guys should try power assist hydraulic steering its been available for at least 5 years now