A very good friend of mine, came last night to a spot i had a fair idea there were some decent trevs residing. Now i dont condone fishing where your not welcome but if they allow big fish in there well its fair game.... im not hurting anyone nor am i leaving a mess. (think that justifies it)
So my mate Ben has caught a few bream and his biggest fish to date was a 50cm flattie. He was looking on in shock as i pinned a decent mullet and threw it out on a rod for him. I had another rod for my self and after 5mins a big swirl followed by my reel screaming to life ended in tears as my 20lb leader failed... bugger!!!
Ben then decides to get something out of his bag about 15 minutes later.. I told him to click the baitrunner on "justincase" thank god i did!!! His mullet was sitting in full view about 6 meters of the edge when an explosive surface strike occured, i was right next to the rod and was lucky enough to engage the reel and hand the rod to Ben. 20 minutes later after some close calls and freespooling Bennyboy slides this one up like a true pro!!!!
Do you think he was stoked? check the grin
Bit of an upgrade from the 50cm Flatty.
I didnt have a mat with me but took a measurement off my rod. Getting home the beast went 74cm!!