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Thread: fishing at 1770

  1. #1

    fishing at 1770

    hi all im going up in aug sep for 2 weeks i have a 6m bertrem with a 200hp efi and thinking of going out to bolt reef anyone fished their much ?
    cheers mick

  2. #2

    Re: fishing at 1770

    G'day Mick,

    You will be well capable of getting to Boult Reef in your rig, just make sure you are up to date with the green zones for the area btw Boult and Musgrave.

    Try trolling though the report pages and the meet and greet pages.


  3. #3

    Re: fishing at 1770

    thanks fez will get the maps can you anker in bolt logoon ?
    or were is best to stay.
    cheers mick

  4. #4

    Re: fishing at 1770


    Boult is smack in the middle of Fitzroy and Lady Musgrave (about 20km to either), Fitzroy is further north and has slightly less fishing pressure than Boult, Musgrave is the better of the overnight locations, lagoon is bigger and slightly better protected.

    There is some productive grounds east of both of these locations.


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