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Thread: redclawing - NPD

  1. #1

    redclawing help? - NPD

    where should I go to try red claw chasing in the North Pine Dam?

    is it a case of chucking pots in anywhere?

    or near timber, or weeds, or certain areas?

    would appreciate a few pointers in the right direction if anyone can help



  2. #2

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    pretty much anywhere atm

  3. #3

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    Have a look at the videos on my webpage
    The Rainbowrunner
    Peter Hansler
    Click here for my webpage
    Click here for my videos

    Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.

    Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species

  4. #4

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    I was at NPD on Sunday for my first ever attempt at catching a few red claw. 2 hours and I had 2 dozen. I was using rockmelon for bait and found I did better placing the pots close to structure such as submerged trees. The kayak came in handy for NPD.

  5. #5

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    From the boat, look for trees in about 10 to 12 foot of water. Sorry, not done any from the bank for quite a while.

  6. #6

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    do you need a permit to kayak on NPD?

  7. #7

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    Quote Originally Posted by trueblue View Post
    do you need a permit to kayak on NPD?
    Yes you do .
    Have a look at the PRFMA website for full details.

  8. #8

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    Quote Originally Posted by rayken1938 View Post
    Yes you do .
    Have a look at the PRFMA website for full details.
    Which I'm confused, by the way, as to why we have pay 2 permit fees to fish from a kayak at NPD. The info provided by both permit schemes, 1 to fish and the other to use the kayak, states that the funds go to the fish restocking program. Does anyone know why they can justify slugging a fishing kayaker double re-stocking fees? Something smells a bit fishy...

  9. #9

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    The boating access fee allows you do use any type of craft as long as it does not have an internal combustion motor fitted.
    Dont know where you get the idea where you have to have two boating access permits for a kakak.

  10. #10

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    The confusion comes from the need to have a fishing permit for freshwater impoundments and specific to North Pine Dam you can only use a kayak or any other non-powered watercraft with a permit for that too. Proceeds of both seem to fund fish stocking programs although the boating permit gives you a key to access a gated launch area which a kayak doesn't need anyway.

    I'm someone who abides by the law and the permits I need but I have seen plenty of people kayaking on NPD without a permit because they didn't know they needed one and I wondered what penalties would apply. I have searched the WWW in every way possible and cannot find any record of past infringements or potential fines involved in not having the boating permit for NPD. I can't find any state or local laws which would apply. The only thing I can find is the SEQwater QBWSA rules for access to use of lands and water. It clearly states that a permit is required but lists no penalty except the right for the QBWSA to ask you to remove the vessel and leave the area.

    I'm interested in anyone's first-hand knowledge on the issue to clear this up.

  11. #11

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    You do not need a permit to fish NPD, you do need a Permit for any boating activities.
    A freshwater fishing permit covers other dams such as somerset and Wivenhoe and numerous others but NPD is different.

    Cheers Lee

  12. #12

    Re: redclawing - NPD

    hey guys,
    to fish North Pine dam you need a SIPS permit as it is now under the scheme,
    No permit required to catch redclaw.
    Signs say no boating swimming or dogs etc but ive seen all.
    PRFMA operates only in the upper arm of the North Pine river above the dam wall.
    The Rainbowrunner
    Peter Hansler
    Click here for my webpage
    Click here for my videos

    Give a man a fish, he'll eat it and fall asleep.

    Teach a man to fish and he'll endanger an entire species

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