Righto boys and gals, here is a post that I want to see your most famous red pics. Reds in either Red Emperor or Large Mouth Nannygai. I know a few of you ausfishers out there that better post like vertico, spot82, reefmaster, jt and fellow nq fish & boat scribes mark gwynne. We wanna know a few words on what depth, where abouts, what bait, what structure, what rig, what gear and anything else you can think of.
I'll start with a couple of pearlers that I caught off 1770 with Sean Munro of PE Tackle. We were fishing east of musgrave on a 8 meter bommie in about 50 meters of water. Bait was mullet, gear was 400 deep jig t curve with a 20000 shimano stella and 80 pound braid. Caught on 8 o deep v reefmaster stinger setup with red zebra fly from pe tackle. Reds went 10kg and then 11kg.
So dust off those old pics of the monster red you told the mate next door about and post up some hard core proof. The best red emp I have heard of was from reefmaster of 17kg so if you can top that one I would love to see it. A pic of a monster nannygai would be great to as in my opinion large mouth tastes better then red emp ***runs for cover***The floor is now yours.
cheers from boony