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Thread: Boyne Barra Odyssey

  1. #16

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Good work Scott!
    I know quite a few anglers have be whacking the barra downstream of both Awoonga & Monduran, so much for talk of barra having too much bulk to survive going over a big wall.
    Just 1 question Scott about the 80lb leader all the way to the fly line, if most fly lines are around 30lb breaking strain and you're using a full 80lb leader wouldn't the expenseve fly line be your weakest point, or is it not an issue?

  2. #17

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Mike the 80lb leader is just for abrasion resistance same as conventional - I don't believe we ever pull hard enough to reach breaking point, which is actually around 45lb based on the fly lines core

    Superform - As far as colour on this fish - It must have come over the wall but was in perfect condition & could have passed for a salty in my books as well ....

    Gotta make the most of your opportunities - Scotto
    So Many Fish - So little time !

    I Proudly support the following companies: Shimano, G.Loomis, The Haines Group, Scientific Anglers, Abel Reels, Lowrance

  3. #18
    Ausfish Silver Member RobSee's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Not to hijack the post, but the wife and I traveled from the Gold Coast up to the Boyne to see what this was all about - after looking at this report and a couple of others.
    We were able to get 10 in about 8 hours of trolling around the mouth of the Boyne and upstream of the Tannum Bridge.

    Took us a while to crack the method, but once we did, we anded up happy with our efforts. I'd say we will make the trip up there again, after the Flathead Classic in October - when the water is warming up.

  4. #19
    Ausfish Silver Member RobSee's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Have managed to add a few pictures.

    A couple of the fish were 98cm. I'm yet to crack the metre fish

  5. #20

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Well done Rob - It is a shame a couple of pro's have hammered these fish to death since 1st April

    Regards Scotto
    So Many Fish - So little time !

    I Proudly support the following companies: Shimano, G.Loomis, The Haines Group, Scientific Anglers, Abel Reels, Lowrance

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Looks like the supply is being replentished. According to GAWB site .52m going over spillway. Maybe not as many fish going over this time as it is past breeding season.

  7. #22
    Ausfish Platinum Member Spot82's Avatar
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    Feb 2008

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Awesome report Scott!!! That is the fish of a lifetime!! I also heard the pro's have smashed them in recent weeks!! Think of the money that sustainable catch and release rec fishing would bring compared to the measly dollars the pros would turn over, hardly smart is it???


  8. #23

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Nice report and Pics Mate.

    The pro netters (not locals) ended up catching the escapees along with a colony of turtles. They flooded the market with crap barra and the price per kg dropped substantially. The local netters were not happy.

    I wonder what would have happened to the gene pool of the wild barra if the dam girls ended up breeding? Maybe it was better the pro's got rid of them?


  9. #24
    Ausfish Platinum Member mylestom's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Quote Originally Posted by Matthias View Post
    Nice report and Pics Mate.

    The pro netters (not locals) ended up catching the escapees along with a colony of turtles. They flooded the market with crap barra and the price per kg dropped substantially. The local netters were not happy.

    I wonder what would have happened to the gene pool of the wild barra if the dam girls ended up breeding? Maybe it was better the pro's got rid of them?


    They are bred from wild stock, the breeders are changed over all the time. Have a look at some of the posts on stocking. It is very well researched and the blokes at the Hatchery in Gladstone do a great job. I dip my hat to them.

    Some of the pro netters not all, are mongrels.

    Think that a lot of the escapees (breeders) would have dispersed over a wide area, might actually improve the numbers of wild stock.


    Fish for the future, enjoy the present but think of your children.

  10. #25
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    That's an awesome fish on any tackle Scott, well done.
    I hope there are some left as I am spending the next week on the Boyne. Attending an old mates 50th & he happens to live right on the river, so once I get over the party I will be looking foward to tangling with some of the escapees.

    Cheers Andrew

  11. #26

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Nice catch fellas! I think we came past you guys along the way home from Masthead Island. Either way great fishing!
    Living the dream, Barry

  12. #27

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    Mate that is an awesome catch. As I read the report I couldn't believe the fish kept getting better and better. That last fish is a monster. Be a long time till you wipe the smile of ya faces!

  13. #28

    Re: Boyne Barra Odyssey

    All quality, well done.

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