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Etec dramas
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Thread: Etec dramas

  1. #1

    Etec dramas

    Does anyboby recommend somewhere to take my etec for fault finding/ repair on the northside of Brisbane?

    I have a 'no oil' buzzer and then cuts to SAFE mode idle but only comes up randomly, not ideal when out on the water....

  2. #2

    Re: Etec dramas

    downes marine at bowen hills is the best in town
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member Jabba_'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Etec dramas

    Skusto is correct.. Downs is the the best in Brisbane..

  4. #4
    Ausfish Silver Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Etec dramas

    Another vote for Alan Downes.
    Leigh (Kero).

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member lethal098's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: Etec dramas

    And another vote for Downes.

    Almost sounds like a sensor issue in the oil tank, do you have access to another oil tank?? Might save you some money??

    Cheers Lee

  6. #6

    Re: Etec dramas

    Oil tank isn't cracked is it?

  7. #7

    Re: Etec dramas

    yeah i think it would be a sensor but doubt it's something i can get at? looks sealed? oil tank doesn't have a crack or leak.

    I first got this problem after just after I had the engine fully tilted up to untangle a crab pot rope from the prop, i put it down and restarted and got the 'no oil' buzzer and light a few seconds later. I was low on oil, mabe 1/2 tank? but never got the 'low oil' light just 'no oil'. the next day the had the same problem on start up but half hour of start/stop/swearing the fault cleared and the boat run well for the day. next weekend trip out and 'no oil' light and buzzer straight up but this time i had a full tank of oil. I did winterize once and it was smokey so it's does have oil pumping. it did clear but after putting around in SAFE mode for a few hours, I got home and put it on the muffs and same buzzer again....

    I called Downes but they are booked out for the next few weeks, they were very helpful and said to try the winterize several times also.

    A bit of research on the web tells me others have had issuses with air bubble in the lines and oil pick up, the winterization sequence can clear this up. I topped up the oil tank and did winterize 3 times in a row but hasn't cleared it, off to Downes in a few weeks unless anybody has a better idea?

  8. #8

    Re: Etec dramas

    i would get it to downes marine as soon as you can get it in as he knows these motors well and he will explain alot about it while you are there.i have found his charges to be low .
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  9. #9

    Re: Etec dramas


    A bit of research on the web tells me others have had issuses with air bubble in the lines and oil pick up quote]

    Along the lines i was thinking, you could take it to wynnum marine. Might just need the oil system purged which is a simple process and won't cost too much if that is indeed the problem.

  10. #10

    Re: Etec dramas

    what size Etec is it ?

  11. #11

    Re: Etec dramas

    I have not had mates with etec, but have had mates with JohnoRudes and there is no doubt on those motors (and therefore it wouldnt surprise me for etec) Allan is the man.

    Boat: Seafarer Vagabond
    Live: Great South Moreton Bay fishing

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