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Thread: River Monsters

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    River Monsters

    Watched an episode of River Monsters last night,,, what a load of tripe.
    Target species was Bull Sharks. location Brisbane & Gold Coast.
    One good thing was getting a look at a huuuge cod, at least 150kg

  2. #2

    Re: River Monsters

    It was one massive QLD Groper, 6ft they called it for was a big Mo Fo !
    Looked like it was at the mouth of the Brisbane River too.

  3. #3

    Re: River Monsters

    is this on free to air or pay? it didnt come up in the search (free to air) when looking for recording the fishing shows

  4. #4

    Re: River Monsters

    It was on digital chanel ABC2 in Townsville last night.

    You can watch it online here ->
    Good for another 2 weeks before link expires.

    7:30pm Wednesday, March 09 2011
    About The Program

    Jeremy investigates reports that small sharks are getting trapped up inland waterways and growing big on freshwater prey - Jeremy catches a small bullshark in a Queensland canal - many miles from the sea.
    Last edited by Black_Rat; 10-03-2011 at 11:55 AM. Reason: Linky Thingy

  5. #5

    Re: River Monsters

    thanks mate - awesome - ill have a geez tonihgt on the ps3

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: River Monsters

    I caught it last week for the first time . Was on Amazon Catfish ,amongst other things ,and thought it was alright .What a load of smelly dump this week .Phew .I thought A Current Affair must have taken over production.

  7. #7

    Re: River Monsters

    Serioulsy.....considering that it is a sensationalist US popular TV programe.....there was more truth than carp.

    So lets look at the facts.

    There are bullsharks in gold coast canals and the semi closed lakes that come of that system.....we know this.....some of the members sucessfully target them....there are several well documented cases of attack.
    People are routinely advised not to swim there.

    With normal river flows ther are bullsharks in the brisbane river all the way up to Mt crosby weir and past Ipswich in the Bremmer which joins below the weir. There was a picture and an account of a smallish bullshark caught at Colledges crossing, a near fresh (under normal river flows) popular family swimming spot, on this forum.

    Under normal flows, the river will be at least 20 feet deep as far as the Bremmer junction and I have sounded it as being at least 10 to 16 feet deep almost all the way up to colledges crossing.

    Accounts of sharks caught in ipswich are not unusual, and during the recent floods there was a shark sighted crusing the streets of down town ipswich, some 20 meters above normal river level, and certainly fresh water.

    The large specimin caught down the port was not long ago and details have been posted on this forum.....the boys are possibly members here.

    As for the sharks above the crosby weir........they were obviously there, and the reasons are plausable.

    There have been a number of high river level occurances including '74 where it is possible that sharks could have traveled above the weir.......after all it is only a low level weir designed to seperate salt from fresh and to provide pumping depth in the river.

    The whole crocodile thing was a bit spurious, but to be expected in the format.

    with the huge river flows and the very large releases from wyvenhoe.......I doubt that there will be much at all living in the river between the weir and Wyvenhoe at the moment, that whole top end of the river has been pretty well scoured out.

    I would have liked to have seen some more information.... but its a light entertainment programe, not a serious documentary.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Platinum Member rando's Avatar
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    Oct 2004

    Re: River Monsters

    What about the bloke comparing the three inch gash on a horses rump to a set of jaws that were obviously from a massive shark in the 3.5-4.5m range.
    If a shark that size hit a horse, it would have taken the rump right off.
    light entertainment or not, there has to be an element of the credible involved.

  9. #9

    Re: River Monsters

    didnt particularly like the show after having a geez last night on iview - though the huge groper was awesome to see

  10. #10

    Re: River Monsters

    Quote Originally Posted by rando View Post
    What about the bloke comparing the three inch gash on a horses rump to a set of jaws that were obviously from a massive shark in the 3.5-4.5m range.
    If a shark that size hit a horse, it would have taken the rump right off.
    light entertainment or not, there has to be an element of the credible involved.
    Come on rando...don't you ever stuff up....perhaps the shark was having a bad day.

    athe gash was more like 6 inches, and say the shark was more like 3 meters......that is not a very big shark.

    and the bloke probaly didb not have a smaller set of jaws lying arround.

    I spose anothe explanation is that it was bitten by a monster australian bass????

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Gold Member Richo1's Avatar
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    Re: River Monsters

    Now this is what I call a river monster! Haven't seen any like it for some time now tho.

    The grouper must be breeding in the river, I got a 6 pound one under the bridge near the whyte Island boat ramp a couple of years ago. A big surprise trolling on 4 lb bream gear!
    Last edited by Richo1; 30-03-2011 at 07:00 AM. Reason: photo

  12. #12

    Re: River Monsters

    Note that paul burt, has just got in on the act on channel 9 news segment.

    Its the details, those little details, that make the difference.

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jan 2006

    Re: River Monsters

    Bugger, been waiting to see Terry on that show ever since it was filmed. Always miss that particular episode! Terry got a 10 foot bull shark from the same spot 3 or 4 years ago.

    They filmed at Pinkenba and Kookaburra park that I know of while they were here.

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