Coming off my work swing i eyed friday off for an overnighter to try and get some fish into the freezer before the suspect blow on saturday afternoon. We left the harbour around 10 am and headed out to skirt around a storm that had built up to the north of us so up to Flat some 50 up north we decided to go to sit the wind out and watch what it was going to do.
Water was sloppy with the swells coming in all directions making it uncomfortable trip in it. Out went the X Raps but to no avial did they work. Stoppped for a bottom bash to scored some smaller reefies and a black king.
Wind had dropped after s couple hours and we headed out to some Fern ground in search of the reds.
We found some area and drifted with only hussar and small jobbies to aid us so we searched around and found a small patch to anchor on and it wasn't long before they started to come into the boat.
Some beautiful sized Red jew coame on board with 13 all up and 4 nice reds