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Thread: Clarrie Hall Reports????

  1. #1

    Clarrie Hall Reports????

    Hi Guys,

    Fishing CHD this Sunday for the first time at the Bass Electric, anyone got any reports or tips, particularly in relation to where to fish??? We've always talked about giving it a go, the comp is a good enough excuse, Cheers, Jamie.

    My PB's - Have Photos of most of them.

    Flathead - 98cm - Bait - Tweed River
    Spottie Mackerel - 105cm - Bait - Palmy Reef
    Australian Bass - 48cm - Spinnerbait - Spot X
    Yellowbelly - 48cm - Yellowbelly - Jackall - Sommerset
    Bream - 38cm - MF40 - Nerang River
    Whiting - 40cm - Bait - Nerang River
    Jack - 40cm (Pitiful I Know) - Live Bait - Coomera River
    Barra - 104cm - Storm Pro Paddle Tail - Mondy

  2. #2

    Re: Clarrie Hall Reports????

    Everyone raves about the surface bite at CHD But I personally, have not caught one fish on surface at Clarrie. We have only ever caught them on Jackall TN60's. I find CHD a fairly hard place to fish but having said that, I have persisted with surface for too long there.

  3. #3

    Re: Clarrie Hall Reports????

    This is where we have caught a few fish in the past. It's weedy and only about 6 foot deep. That's the boat launch area at Cram's farm under the circled area.

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