Krysten( my super fantastic extraordinary girlfriend ) and i hit the mooloolah river on hope of catching a trev or two. Started off really slow with only one fish a big butter bream but unfortunately hooked it in the eye . After doing a couple more drifts and trying a couple other plastics i got a solid hit from a grunter on a 120mm wriggler. couple of other decent bream hits went by but no solid hookups
Couple more drifts went by and i heard krysten going AARRGGHHHHHH!!! what was that im on!!!!!!..... then the Trevar finally realised it was hooked and went for alot of big spirited runs. I sometimes get passed the rod if she if she dosnt want to lose it but held on DohDohDohDohting her self because of the raw power of the fish in its runs. About 5 minutes later i could see the silver flash of the fish a few meters under us and i quickly netted it. Measured 42cm not bad for 4lb braid 6lb leader she keeps rubbing it in hmmm
Didnt hang around to much after that was it was very hot and we were hungry. I am glad she landed this fish as she has hooked upto a few before but the fish always ran to the pylons. She finally see's why i like fishing so much once you feel some decent power of such a small creature.
Here is my effort