Could any one give me a recent update report of the lagoon at DI, looking at going up Tewah and launching from there at first possible good weather possibly Saturday arvo
Regards Beefa
Could any one give me a recent update report of the lagoon at DI, looking at going up Tewah and launching from there at first possible good weather possibly Saturday arvo
Regards Beefa
Was up there Australia day, lagoon looked good but it was very shallow leading out to open water i think you will need at least haft tide in to get out.
Beefa I was up there a few weeks ago with the family which gave me a good chance to check it out before I went up there a couple days later for a fish. It's pretty shallow and a very tricky entrance. As said above if it's around mid tide and over it should be ok provided there isnt any swell on. The channel starts more down the corner and runs back NE up along the bank with an outer bank breaking the waves. I did it at night and was very tricky so i was glad i had checked it out a couple days prior otherwise i had no chance.
Good luck
Thanks guys
Greg, can I put in straight off the beach if the entrance is to shallow, what's your thoughts on the weather for this weekend.
Forget it Beefa you won't have time for a fish off DI your boys up at Kestrel will break something or destroy another agi truck that will require you to go up and fix!!
Thanks mate for the vote of confidence, what are you doing , want to come?
Beefa it maybe possible to do that but not sure it will be an option as the beach slopes away very slowly. With a mid tide or more it should be sweet or you could walk it through if it's lower to get into the lagoon.
I reckon it will be a good 15-20knots tomorrow but sunday and monday should be a lot better.
Always putting a positive look on things arent you Butler lol.
Trento is busy making sinkers as we speak for trip we are going on over the next few days. Won't be off DI though. Good luck beefa hope you get a few fish and the current isnt to much of an issue for you.
Thanks Greg, I am in depserate need of a good days fishing and the freezer is bone dry. we will probably head up the beach around midday and have a fish in close, then head out wide on Sunday, unfortunately the current will probably be roaring but you got to get out while you can.
Regards Beefa