No i'm not a toolie just went for a jew fish last night down the coast .
Couldn't catch a tailor for bait so had to resort to fresh mullet fillets. First decent bite came just before sundown right on high tide and it took off down the gutter nearly emptying the spool of the stradic of 30lb braid. Ran after it for a while to get some back and upped the anty with the drag which had the 13.5ft surf rod straightened and me sitting on the beach with the but of the rod braced by my feet. After 15 mins or so and the fish still 100-150m away the 10/0 hook pulled. The one that got away . seeing as i lost it i called it for a big shovelly but you never know.
After dark my mate got bitten off a couple of times and i got a hit that ran straight in to the shore dump. Set the hooks and pulled this fella up the beach without even a click from the drag. Went 85cm. Ben