Well , an extraordinary admission came from the fisheries tonight .After being asked where the funds from the various options was going , Fisheries scientist stated several times there was
" no money in the budget for :- compliance ,or education, or research to clarify the lack of real data on recreational catch",,,, in that order.
So the real story here is, fisheries cannot perform the task it is charged with by the government and is therefore trying to push through management options to raise funds.
Funds that will be used to pay inspectors, generate education programs on such things as managing barotrauma, and as an after-thought,,, do some research on snapper numbers.
This is the thin edge of the wedge ,once they get us paying for their existance....well you know the rest.
Fisheries paid for a chair-person to run the meeting, Selena, she did a brilliant job under difficult circumstances,as the PA system was a joke.
The difficulty was she had to try and give everyone a say. Many people asked questions and could not adequatly debate the answers given, Simply due to the numbers of people who needed to be heard.
Bill Corten spoke elequantly and asked the fisheries to go back to the drawing board.
The message to fisheries is clear, This is not good enough.!!!
My fear is, as they are still trying to defend their positions, they will not give due consideration to the any of the alternatives offered.