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Thread: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

  1. #1

    Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    I have just sold my Yalta 615 and am looking to get something that I can easily use by myself. I want to downsize but not sure about going back to a tinnie.

    I was thinking of getting a 4.5 either open or centre in a polycraft.

    I am after any feedback from people that have a wheelie bin as I have never been in one and am wondering what they are like.

    Any feedback would be appreciated.


  2. #2

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    I have had a 4.55 Polycraft CC for 9 years,bought it new and one of the early ones,they leave tinnies of similar size for dead in ride quality, and my previous boat was a tinnie.Just be aware they are a very wet boat.I used to cross surf bars to get outside fishing,they handle that well also,and stable at rest.I am taking mine out from Bundy and going out 15 to 18 Nm and feel safe in it.Where are you situated,maybe we can organise a test run.If you look at Polyboatowners web site,there is a heap of info on poly boats there.Hope this helps.


  3. #3

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    Thanks mate. I am in bayside Brisbane. I appreciate the offer but Bundy is a bit far

    Thanks again.

  4. #4

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    I'll take you for a spin in mine sometime. Not this weekend though, cause I am going to spend the weekend at moreton on my yacht!! Maybe next weekend or through the week if you want. Mine is a 4.55 CC with a 50banger on the transom.

    Shorncliffe VMR would be the depature point.

  5. #5

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    enjoy your weekend!
    dont happen to be selling it are you?

  6. #6

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    Quote Originally Posted by Mtx View Post
    enjoy your weekend!
    dont happen to be selling it are you?
    Been thinking about it. All my haunts are now green zones, and its too far to travel in it to find new areas. Problem is, I know I will regret it the minute I sell it. I may have found a little loophole in the green zone legislation though, so maybe I might get some limited access to a few of my old spots yet!

  7. #7

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    I've got 4.55 with a Honda 50 4 stroke.

    Wet boat when heading into the wind but an extremely stable boat at rest and a very good fishing platform.

    From what I have read on the poly forums lately there are mods to make it a much better boat.

    1) Trim tabs ...they are 'static' tabs and are only a couple of hundred bucks from the USA.

    2) Chines mod....plastic spray deflectors are welded to the hull (not sure on cost)

    With those mods it would be a very good boat.

    I haven't used mine for 2 years but it caught us some great fish when I used to hammer it.

  8. #8

    Re: Thinking of getting a wheelie bin

    Hey mate - Im on Goldie, and have a 4.5 drifter CC with merc 60 4st....very soft riding and safe, plus the minimal maintenance hull is a bonus....happy to take you out for a spin if your ever down the Goldcoast.


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