That motor is worth virtually nothing so you are effectinvely buying the boat only, your offer should reflect this. poke into a dealer and see what the trade in on it is on a $25-30000 engine upgrade, gunna be interesting.
That motor is worth virtually nothing so you are effectinvely buying the boat only, your offer should reflect this. poke into a dealer and see what the trade in on it is on a $25-30000 engine upgrade, gunna be interesting.
if i traded the motor straight away or in 3 yrs time i think it would be woth the same money sweet fcuk all...would be using it for atleast 3 yrs...looked at another boat with a 200 yammie 2 stroke 98model motor was worth 3 grand as a trade on a new outboard so would expect the same sort of trade on the johnson
You need to have someone who knows that motor to have a very close look at it off water and even be in for that water test if you want 3 years from it. Just the noise from them you can tell if they are "on song". Most are never in tune properly. Have a chat to Gary. I would be speaking with the previous owner to see what the hours are and who serviced it and how he used it. .
If you want to know fuel take a GPS and note revs and speed on slow plane and upwards. Note what prop it has. Some boats just won't run effeciently on a slow plane so you won't get ecconomy by slowing down.
Those motors ran best when they were allowed to breathe ( midrange and up) and better oils now will stop plug fouling.
Price in a full service, all sensors and alarms checked and tune , thermostats, decarb , impeller etc etc , carby clean /kit, replace fuel lines if needed a proper set of fuel filters . That adds up to a few $ well actually a lot.
There must be a few reviews on that boat from back then with a outboard?
How many hours do you expect to do in the 3 years and is it running or trolling?
So a 10yr old engine that is otherwise running fine is worth nothing? I beg to differ. Yes they are thirsty compared to more modern engines but the motor is only of low value as a trade in and to base an offer on the engines trade in value would drastically undervalue the boat and motor as a package. The owner may accept it if desperate.
The fact the engine runs and is in good nick adds thousands - quite a fair percentage of the value of a new engine, because if the boat was sold motorless that would be the additional expense. The pricepoint is somewhere in the middle. I could bet if a dealer bought the whole boat/motor for resale they would not be selling it at a price reflecting a worthless motor irrespective of what they offered for the motor only as a trade-in.
It's a non-ficht model so parts aren't as big a problem and unless its really high-hours I don't see why it would not last a good long time if run and maintained properly.
Or am I missing something here?
Sometimes its better to look like an idiot than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
Like everything, it's worth what someone is willing to pay for it, and a 10yr old carb 2 banger isn't high on many shopping lists
They seem to be common on USA import boats as they have huge tanks built into the boats and the fuel is cheap
Not sure where this boat is but I'd get the full once over done on boat and motor. Yes it will use more fuel than a new 2 or 4 stroke, but if it's a way to get the boat of your dreams and you want to factor in the motor replacement down the track, I'd go for it. Yes it will cost more to run for the time being but in the end it will be worth it.
Ally Jack
A 10yr old fully serviceable 2stroke outboard worth nothing, i'll take ten if thats the case.
Of course its worth something but what that figure is,is entirely with the eyes of the beholder.
i don't know where you going to fish or use boat but from Mooloobah to Barwon banks and back in 10 to 15 kn wind and 1.2 m sea it will travel nice and smooth but u will use around 250l with 3 or 4 people on board
I guess the simple answer is, if you give some throttle, then it will require feeding big time, but if you "cruise" it will be fine, my mate has one of those and as long as he keeps under about 4,500RPM the fuel economy is OK, but anything around 4,800+ sees the fuel vanish at a rapid rate.
Something no one's mentioned yet, but imo really important:
How much will a litre of Premium Unleaded be in a year or two? Most of the standard stuff will have ethanol in it, we'll have a Carbon Tax, and the Economy will be lurching from one disaster to the next.
I'd be calculating on $2 a litre.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Some marinas around Sydney are already charging $1.92 for U98.
Sometimes its better to look like an idiot than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt.
stick with your old boat
560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"
thanks for all the imput fella's...the boat is 1 what both me and the missus both like and can do alot more things in it than the boat we have now...the makocraft we have now is pretty well just a fishing boat for the boys and the missus now wants something to spend weekends on as well as a week at time.maybe will keep looking around as am in no hurry to buy and wait for something with a 4 banger or opti comes up or even better a verado...but i guess if the dealer gives me too good a deal on it i will take it for the right guessing the price i have been quoted is pretty well what the boat and trailor is worth anyway as it sits on a brand new alloy trailor...
cheers rosco