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2001 250hp jono fuel usage
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Thread: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

  1. #1

    2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    have found a boat both me and the missus like.its a wellcraft 230 coastal tournament 2001 model with a 250hp jono 2 i know it will use a bit of fuel but how much.. the dealer recons at around 40km/hr at around the 4000rpm will use around the 27-35ltrs /hr and when wot it would use around the 80ltrs/hr... do you recon this is what it would use i know this is alot but will look at upgrading the motor at some stage to a 4 banger or an opti...these are a alot of boat compaired to a aussie built boat.considering that i normally dive my current boat at 40km/hr and uses around the 20ltr/hr i dont have a problem if the new boat will use a bit more as it is really my dream boat....has a 567ltr fuel tank in it so will have a lot of k's in it.just dont want to fill from empty
    any info on fuel figures would be great
    cheers rosco

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    yeah mate she will drink it up but you sound like you have answered your own question i reckon those fuel figures a pretty close WOT may be a little more just depends on how hard the donk has to work at the various rev range. If its a dream boat and 4stroke or opti is looming why not especially if right price. is the 250Johno a ficht style? as these ar known to go boom

  3. #3

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    01 is it a fitch engine ,im not completly sure .but that was around the time omc went bust with the fitch engine .???the motor wouldnt be worth anything in value if it is?

  4. #4

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    pretty sure its just a carberated 2 stroke not the ficht outboard...i have been given a good price on it but just depends on the trade in price on my the money he was talking without seeing my boat we are within a few grand of a many times do we really wot our boats i know i dont normally 4000rpm -4800 for me
    cheers rosco

  5. #5

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    tried to upoad a pic of it but didn't work out

  6. #6

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    yeh 2001 john o was a carby 2 stroke....... I recon at 4000 rpm your looking at 50-55l p/hr... they are thirsty engines

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  7. #7

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    yeah i thought it might have been a bit higher...garry what do you recon it would be at wot
    cheers rosco

  8. #8

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    Mate I recon 100L to frightening... there 3.5l engines so in excess of 100 I recon

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  9. #9

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    thanks for the info garry,might have to look at a different package then....100ltrs+ is alot of fuel....even 55ltrs at 4000rpm makes for a dear trip considering most trips end up with 4 hrs on a motor

  10. #10

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    Review from 2000. Shows numbers for many motors back then

    "Mounted on a 5.9m Seafarer Vermont and spinning a 20-inch stainless steel prop, the demo extralong FICHT 225 planed the 1500kg total (including three adults) at 34kmh on 2800rpm. At 4000rpm the average was 61kmh, consuming 50lt/hr, and at 5400rpm the WOT average was 88kmh and 80lt/hr.
    The Johnson 250 is OMC's most powerful outboard and has four dual-throat carbies. It has the same powerhead and gear ratio as the 225 and is available in extralong and extra-extralong models, both with counter-rotation if needed. In extralong form it weighs 208kg and retails for $20,990.
    Mounted on the same Vermont and spinning a 22-inch stainless steel prop, the demo extralong 250 planed the 1500kg total at 35kmh on 2200rpm. At 4000rpm the average was 68kmh and 65lt/hr, while at WOT it averaged 92kmh and 110lt/hr on 5400rpm.
    All Johnson and Evinrude outboards have a two-year warranty coverage for recreational users."

  11. #11

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    I have a 150 Evinrude and lightly loaded it gets a bit better that 1km/ltr in good conditions at 4500rpm, in bad conditions its about 30% worse

    When are conditions so good you can wot for any length of time?

  12. #12

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage


    The best Idea when looking at big boats is to get what you want and factor in a repower... some large boats wont sell with large carby 2 strokes.. sometimes an offer is the way to go

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  13. #13

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    yeah garry i know...the hull and motor is around 1500kg dry ..i guess going on info coromorant posted above it would prob use the 35ltrs an hr doing 40km/hr which isnt that bad and as we all know how many days could u w.o.t any way..keep the info coming fellas...garry have you seen many probs with these outboards when servicing them

  14. #14

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    The 250's came back on the market in late 2000.. previously they were V8's. They are the same configuration as the 225 3.5l V6 which had issues in the 1995/6 era but OMC fixed those so I guess BRP just continued with that line of production..

    Basically a good solid engine with no inherant problems to speak of... they still have issues if not looked after like any outboard does

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  15. #15

    Re: 2001 250hp jono fuel usage

    thats a plus for the rig then...i plan to repower in around 3yrs if i buy it...i will have to book in a water test i think

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