Hi all,
I have been a bit quite on here recently due to chasing tarpon (the big ones) man they are finicky.. well not having landed much to write home about at all.. i decided to go chase jacks again even know the tide wasnt ideal and wont be till about tuesday onwards.. anyway. the mullet i secured were a bit on the large side and a couple were more jew baits than anything, i kept them for strip bait anyway.
I had two rods with me this time one a bit lighter.. 8kg braid with a 10kg flouro leader albrighted to a 4/0 mustard big gun with a small ball sinker to the hook. this out fit is baited with a fresh dead mullet with a few nicks out of him.. the other heavier outfit..15kg is baited with a live mullet. Im about to cast it out and im thinking.. if a jack grabs this it will have to be 60+ to get it down.. anyway out it goes.
NOTHING at all for the first hour.. i mean nothing not even a tap tap from a bream. Then for no reason that i could figure out the bite just turned on in a massive way! The dead bait gets nailed hard and it scared the hell out of me (i was near asleep) a good sized jack is spoted after a hard tusstle and the hooks pull right as its near stuffed 4 foot away from me..damn!
over the next furious 45minutes i managed to get busted off twice and pull the hooks on another 3!! so the score line is now 6 to the jacks ..Nathan 0!
then all of a sudden the bite just stops back to absolutly nothing... the weird thing was that it was about mid tide and was the strangest thing.
As i was contemplating the dissapointment of the situation the baitrunner screams and the live jumbo mullet is nailed after well over two hours pinned to the bottom. This thing when hooked runs away from the structure and i know its not a jack... after a good run i manage to get it back to 10 foot off the shore in the shallows and its a good jew.. when your lucks down its down and the damn thing shakes its head like a barra and the hooks are thrown..
Im left shaking with a scoreline of 7 nill..
watch this space though im out tonight to even up the score!!!!