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Goldcoast offshore Australia Day
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Thread: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

  1. #1

    Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Hi all, I hope you Australia day was as good as mine.

    We went thru the seaway just before 4am looking for livies, struggle to raise a scale.

    So decision was made to head out. Way out.

    Had a good run out into a slight swell with a northerly cross chop. Conditions got better after the backside of the 50's.

    Took about 1 hr 20 min to get out to Jim's mountain and out goes the lure spread.

    Full of excitment of what is about to unfold we troll around waiting for a strike and the wonderful sound of the reel screaming off.

    Well wait we did. Heard on the radio a few fish caught in our area and also south done at the Riveria grounds. Blue's around 100 - 150kg.

    We trolled to 12:30 and then decided with fuel getting low to head back in to the 50's east of the pin to catch a feed before the long run home.

    Not much showing on the sounder we had to have a drop anyway, current racing made it hard.

    After about 6 drifts we managed 3 snapper and a beaut kingie 8.5 kg.

    Enough for a good feed home we go.

    Back in the seaway at 4:15 and what mayhem it was in there with all the boating action, I'm glad we were way out.

    Need another great day to return to Jim's to get our strike.


    Have pic of the kingie but still trying to upload.
    Last edited by Timfishin4fun; 27-01-2011 at 11:10 AM. Reason: Photo link

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member Eug's Avatar
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    Oct 2008

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Saw your kingie on the other site, solid fish! Good call on avoiding the crowds, definitely paid off. We failed to get a strike with all the boats zooming around, that said I had the missus on board and wasn't seriously fishing.

  3. #3

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    I think we seen you out there yesterday, ive got the 6.8 Hydrofield Murphys law.... We only seen one fish yesterday which was from a mate who hooked up beside us. Was a very quiet day all round even South at the canyons produced very little. Hopefully the current slows down and the fish come back for a chew.


  4. #4

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Yes mate I saw you.

    It was fantastic weather out there.

    I was surprised with the dirty pushing out that more fish and bait was not out there.

    Must be current reducing the numbers.

    Was still a great trip.

    See out there again soon.


  5. #5

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Ok photo link is up how do I make photo seen on Ausfish?



  6. #6

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Timbo, we put the gear at about 120m wide of the 50's once the water cleared up. Put in a solid session between there and the riv for zero excitement. Classic day of nice water but dead as. No birds, dolphins or bait seen not a reel turned.


  7. #7

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Hi Scott, I know what ya mean, nice day for a boat ride. LOL

    We found some dolphins staying in one area but they were only playing with the boat and not working.


  8. #8

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Hi Tim;
    Long time no speak!
    Sounds like a great day out. and well done. How big was the Kingie? Good news that they are still around so well done.
    I avoid the 50's at this time of year as the current is so strong unless you want to use big weights, however hoping to get a Spaniard next week on FTD. Well see.
    Take care

  9. #9

    Re: Goldcoast offshore Australia Day

    Hi plato, weight was 9.2kg Ihad origanlly posted on here 8.5 but read the scales wrong.

    The 50's was runnig but not unfishable.

    Used the parachute the took that out and just put the engine in reverse at idle was enough to get the bait down fairly straight with a 10 ball.

    Good luck next week


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